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Housing & Residence Life

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011
Tuesday, October 25th
10:00am - 11:30am
  • Location: Faculty House
  • Time: 10:00am - 11:30am

Turn those pesky plastic shopping bags into amazing baskets, rugs, and yoga mats! Sponsored by WKU Recycling. Refreshments provided - bring your own mug!

  • Location: Pearce Ford Tower-27th Floor
  • Time: 7:00pm

BYOB (Bring Your Own Blanket), Tuesday October 25th, 7:00PM PFT 27th Floor

The Residents of the 17th floor will go to a movie night up on the 27th floor and will receive party cups with stickers on the bottom.  The group will watch the movie Hocus Pocus then they will talk about statistics relating to alcohol, date rape and other risks relating to partying.  The residents will then receive informational packets on alcohol related to women.  By participating in this program, residents will learn to exhibit behaviors that advance the health of communities.  Students will also be able to engage in behaviors and contribute to environments that promote health and reduce risk.

  • Location: Southwest Hall Lobby
  • Time: 7:00pm

Hot Cocoa for Health – Wednesday, October 25th, 7-9pm, Main Lobby

With the (hopeful) transition to cool weather we will be handing out hot cocoa and further information about the other services that the Preston Center offers.  We will also be covering relevant health topics such as flu season, healthy living tips, etc. 

  • Location: Meredith Hall Lobby
  • Time: 8:00pm

Goal of Program: October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and this program will be held to bring awareness about breast cancer. The RAs along with the Hall Director will be making pink pancakes, dying strips of the girls hair pink, and providing pink hearts for the girls to fill out. The girls can write individuals names down that are survivors or who have passed away of breast cancer. The hearts will then be hung in the lobby for the remainder of the academic year.


Meredith’s REP is “Connect with ME” and the monthly theme for October is “Get Connected with Myself.” We will be handing out informational sheets about checking yourself for lumps and it will also provide additional information about Breast Cancer throughout the month of October.

8:00pm - 10:00pm
  • Location: Zacharias Hall Rec Room
  • Time: 8:00pm - 10:00pm

Project Success- Monday’s and Tuesday’s- 8pm-10pm

Resident will be encouraged to come and study with other residents. Unfortunately, the residents aren’t allowed to talk, because this is a two hour study sessions. Light Snacks will be provided.  We are striving to increase our GPA’s.

  • Location: McCormack Hall Lobby
  • Time: 10:00pm

Residents will be able to participate in this program where they will complete in a Magic tournament. The Magic card game is very popular with the residents. By participating in this tournament will give McCormack residents the opportunity to meet other residents who play Magic. RAs will also offer “training” session on how to play Magic before the tournament, so that everyone in the hall has the opportunity to participate. Some snacks and drinks may be provided.

All Day
  • Time: All Day

Details coming soon - sponsored by Housing & Residence Life

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 Last Modified 12/6/18