Desk Assistants
Desk Assistant
The Desk Assistant (DA) is considered a customer service position representing the Department of Housing and Residence Life. Desk Assistants are an important part of the HRL team. The primary responsibility of the Desk Assistant is to serve as a customer service representative, a security monitor and referral agent for residents at Western Kentucky University. Desk Assistants are also utilized in assisting professional staff members in meeting the mission of the Department of Housing & Residence Life.
- Full-time, currently enrolled WKU student.
- Good academic, financial, and disciplinary standing with the University and department
of Housing and Residence Life.
- Under extremely rare circumstances, the Director for Residence Life or their designee may approve exceptions to the above qualifications.
- DAs are required to have and maintain a 2.0 total institutional grade point average
at time of application and throughout term of employment. DAs whose total institutional
grade point average falls below the 2.0 requirement will automatically be terminated.
- DAs must have a FAFSA on-file for the academic year during which they will be employed.
- DAs must complete all required hiring paperwork through the Office of Student Employment
and successfully pass a national and local criminal background check prior to starting
work. Failure to consent to background check and initiate hiring paperwork within
two weeks of employment offer, may result in offer being rescinded.
- DAs will report for work on the day indicated and will remain until the day specified
each semester by the Department of Housing and Residence Life. Desk Assistants should not anticipate leaving their position prior to the official
hall closing date and time each semester (see “Important Dates” section below).
- DAs are to abide by all University and departmental policies, procedures, and conditions
outlined in the terms of the housing contract, the Student Staff Manual, and Hilltopics
for Residence Hall Living. DAs must also meet the performance expectations of their
respective supervisors.
- DAs must participate in all scheduled training sessions coordinated by their supervisor and the Department of Housing and Residence Life. DAs are required to report for training sessions prior to residence hall desks opening for both fall and spring semesters.
- The DA appointment is for the entirety of the academic year, roughly August (prior
to the opening of the campus residence halls) through May (after commencement). The
appointment is contingent upon the successful completion of tasks, assignments, responsibilities,
and favorable performance evaluations.
- Upon successful completion of the appointment, DAs may be considered to serve for
additional appointments so long as they meet position qualifications.
- There may be limited numbers of summer positions, which require a separate application
and selection process.
- The DA compensation package includes an hourly wage rate of $8.50 for shifts worked
between 8am-11:59pm, and an hourly wage rate of $13.50 for overnight shifts worked
between 12:00am-8:00am.
- DAs are required to work an average of 16 hours per week* at minimum during the fall and spring semesters.
- DAs are required to work a minimum of two (2) weekends per month, for a minimum of eight (8) hours each weekend.
- DAs are required to work a minimum of one (1) overnight desk shift per week (maximum of two (2)).
Important Dates
Listed below are important dates for DAs related to training, move-in, and hall openings and closings. DAs are required to attend and participate in all trainings and hall openings and closings. Students interested in applying for the DA position should make note of the dates listed below prior to applying. Note: these dates are subject to change but are best approximations as of the date of this posting.
Spring 2025
- DA Training--January 16
- Halls Open--January 17
- Opening Weekend--January 17-19
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day--January 20
- First Day of Classes--January 21
- Spring Break--Halls close, March 14
- Spring Break--Halls open, March 23
- Finals Week--May 5-8
- Summer Break--Halls close, May 10
*Dates may be subject to change.
Personal Conduct and Conflicts of Interest
- DAs are expected to establish positive, effective working relationships with the Residence
Hall Director and other student staff members.
- DAs are expected to maintain a direct line of communication with Residence Hall Director;
resolve questions, share concerns, follow-up, and provide updates with professionalism.
- When communicating with each other, DAs are expected to demonstrate maturity, respect,
honesty, patience, and empathy, this includes electronic communication (i.e. Area/Hall
- DAs must not use their position to have influence over residents, including friends,
roommates, or partners.
- DAs must not share confidential information including resident and visitor identifying
information, and resident status with non-staff members.
- As WKU students, DAs are subject to University Policy #5.5023: Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy.
Community Development
- Display a positive attitude and provide excellent customer service to residents and
visitors to the residence hall.
- Promote an inclusive community by role modeling positive interactions with residents and visitors to the residence hall.
Administrative Functions
- Report for scheduled shifts in a timely matter, generally five minutes early.
- Seek shift coverage in the event of illness or emergency and notify supervisor of
pending absence.
- Assist with room check-in and checkout procedures throughout the year.
- Maintain accuracy of key box by distributing keys according to training.
- Accept deliveries, sort and log packages using Notifii Package Tracking software.
- Report maintenance issues, concerns, damages, or vandalism to the Residence Hall Director.
- Direct and assist residents in submitting maintenance requests.
- Accurately account for hours worked by signing in and out of desk shifts, recording
hours on Web Time Entry, and submitting timesheets by communicated deadlines.
- Perform other duties as necessary or assigned by supervisors or the Central Office staff.
Safety & Security Functions
- Contribute to the safety of hall residents and security of the residence hall by consistently
enforcing university and residence hall policies, consulting with the Residence Hall
Director as needed.
- Assist in ensuring the security of the building by requiring identification of residents
and visitors upon entry, and logging visitors into the StarRez Student Housing System.
- Document alleged policy violations via Maxient Incident Reports, submitting Reports
in a timely manner, and work closely with the Residence Hall Director to communicate
actions taken.
- Educate residents about hall policies and procedures, providing rationale and addressing
- Maintain confidentiality concerning policy violations and their resolution.
- Respond to emergency and/or crisis situations according to training protocols.
- Serve as Responsible Employee and report all instances of Title IX disclosures in adherence to university policy.
Desk Assistants should expect informal, continual feedback regarding their job performance from their supervisor throughout the term of their employment. DAs are formally evaluated twice per academic year. During this process, feedback from residents and peers may be requested. Failure to meet expectations for job performance will be documented and may initiate Job Action.
Desk Assistants serve as role models for academic success, conduct, and behavior. To fulfill the duties of their position, DAs must hold themselves accountable to university and departmental policies, and expectations of their position. Should there come a time a DA fails to meet said expectations, or violates the terms of their employment, the DA can expect intervention on behalf of their supervisor up to and including termination.
The Job Action steps detailed below are intended to assist the DA in identifying areas for improvement, accessing resources, developing skills sets, and building confidence to ensure reappointment and success in the position.
- Verbal Warning (documented via Job Action form)
- Written Warning (documented via Job Action form; official letter in employment file)
- Probation
- Termination
Violations of the Student Code of Conduct, Hilltopics for Residence Hall Living, Student Staff Manual, and housing contract may result in termination. Some alleged violations require further investigation. During this time, the DA may be removed from their duties temporarily, pending an outcome. The Job Action process does not replace the University conduct process; both processes can take place concurrently and separately, with one sometimes impacting the other.
Any DA who is terminated has the right to appeal the decision to the Director for Residence Life or their designee in writing within five (5) business days of termination.
Students can apply for a Desk Assistant position through Handshake, WKU's career management platform. Learn More
Apply Now for the Spring 2025 Desk Assistant Position
Handshake #9466530
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