Employment Opportunities
Housing Summer Staff
WKU Housing & Residence Life has a variety of employment opportunities for you this summer!
Free on-campus housing is included for every position
To be considered for summer employment, you must:
1. Be in good judicial and financial standing with Housing & Residence Life and WKU
2. Meet the semester and cumulative GPA requirements (see position descriptions)
3. Have a FAFSA on file by the time of active employment
The Summer Resident Assistant (SRA) is a unique, live-in, student leadership position in the Department of Housing and Residence Life (HRL) and is a valued member of the HRL team.
Summer Resident Assistants are responsible for developing community among their floor of residents via social and educational programming, contributing to the efficient operation of the residence hall via administration, and ensuring the safety of residents and the security of the residence hall via crisis management and policy enforcement. Summer Resident Assistants also serve as customer service representatives, security monitors, and referral agents for residents by operating as Desk Assistants.
The Summer Resident Assistant reports directly to the Summer Hall Director and ACUHO-I Intern. All Summer Resident Assistants must live in the summer residence hall(s).
SRAs must be full-time, enrolled (for fall 2024 term) students as defined by Western Kentucky University.
SRAs must have at least one semester participating in residence hall living.
SRAs must be at least a second semester student at the time of employment.
SRAs must possess a desire to work with individuals and groups in a residential setting.
SRAs must be in good academic, financial, and disciplinary standing with the University and the Department.
Under extremely rare circumstances, the Associate Director for Housing and Residence Life or their designee may approve exceptions to the above qualifications.
SRAs are required to have and maintain a 2.5 total institutional grade point average at time of application and throughout term of employment. The SRA is, first and foremost, a student. If at any time the position is a perceived detriment to the student’s academic success, termination may be considered.
SRAs must have a FAFSA on-file for the current academic year. Failure to complete the FAFSA by April 26 will result in employment offer being rescinded.
SRAs must complete all required hiring paperwork through the Office of Student Employment and successfully pass a national and local criminal background check prior to starting work. Failure to complete hiring paperwork and pass a national and criminal background check by April 26 will result in employment offer being rescinded.
SRAs will report for work on the day indicated and will remain until the day specified by the Department of Housing and Residence Life. Student staff should not anticipate leaving their position prior to the official hall closing date and time.
SRAs are to abide by all University and departmental policies, procedures, and conditions outlined in the terms of the housing contract, the Student Staff Manual, and Hilltopics for Residence Hall Living. SRAs must also meet the performance expectations of their respective supervisor.
SRAs must participate in all scheduled training sessions as coordinated by their supervisor and the Department of Housing and Residence Life (see “Important Dates” section below).
The SRA appointment is for the entirety of the summer, roughly May (after Commencement) through August (when the residence halls open for the fall semester). The appointment is contingent upon the successful completion of tasks, assignments, responsibilities, and favorable performance evaluations.
SRAs work 20 hours per week over the course of the summer. Periodically, the RA work week is expanded to meet the needs of the department (ex. hall openings and closings, emergency situations including closures, etc.).
The SRA compensation package includes an hourly wage rate of $9.00 an hour at which the RA is paid 20 hours every week so long as job duties are completed to communicated expectations.
The SRA compensation package includes a private room at no cost in the Summer Hall. RAs are rarely allowed roommates due to the sensitive nature of their position. At times when occupancy exceeds capacity, the Department of Housing and Residence Life may assign RA roommates on a temporary or permanent basis.
SRAs are provided with many opportunities for leadership, interpersonal, communication, and conflict mediation skill development, networking, and work experiences applicable to many career fields.
The SRA position is a 20 hour per week commitment. During the summer, students not enrolled in courses may work up to 40 hours per week. An SRA is permitted other on-campus employment if and only if 1) they are not enrolled in courses during the summer, 2) the total number of hours worked across positions does not exceed 40 hours per week, and 3) the other on-campus employment is disclosed to the Associate Director or their designee prior to accepting the SRA position or upon acceptance of other on-campus employment. SRAs may hold other off-campus employment if and only if 1) they are not enrolled in courses during the summer, 2) the RA position takes priority over the off-campus employment opportunity, and 3) the other off-campus employment is disclosed to the Associate Director or their designee prior to accepting the SRA position or upon acceptance of other off-campus employment. Failure to meet expectations for the position will result in Job Action leading up to and including termination.
Student teaching or participation in a paid or semester internship while serving as an SRA may only be approved by the Associate Director for Housing and Residence Life or their designee and must be disclosed prior to accepting the SRA position.
SRAs may be required to work at the front desk or in an on-call capacity at times when the University is closed and classes are not in session including Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Juneteenth (see “Important Dates” section below).
All SRAs are expected to be present and available on their floors to respond to resident needs and any situations that arise. SRAs are provided with a private room at no cost and are assigned a bed space in the Summer Hall; they are expected to reside in this space.
SRAs help ensure the safety of hall residents by serving in a 14-hour on-call rotation, 6pm-8am, roughly one standing weeknight. On weekends, roughly one weekend per month, SRAs serve in a 24-hour on-call rotation. While serving on-call, during the week and on the weekends, SRAs are required to remain in their buildings, hold the on-call phone, conduct rounds of the building, and respond to calls. They may also be called upon to work the front desk to ensure a 24-hour desk operation. SRAs always serve on-call in pairs, 1) ensuring back-up for incident response, 2) allowing one SRA to leave the building during short periods of time between the hours of 8am-6pm on weekends while the other remains in the building and holds the on-call phone.
SRAs work 10 hours at the front desk weekly; these hours may be scheduled at other front desks.
SRAs are required to attend weekly staff meetings (1 hour), monthly all staff meetings (1 hour), and weekly one-on-ones with the Summer Hall Director (30 minutes-1 hour).
Listed below are important dates for SRAs related to Summer Hall transition, training, and closing. SRAs are required to attend and participate in all trainings and hall openings and closings. Students interested in applying for the SRA position should make note of the dates listed below prior to applying. Note: these dates are subject to change but are best approximations as of the date of this posting.
Spring to Summer Hall Transition--May 3-4
SRA Training--May 6
Memorial Day--May 27
Juneteenth--June 19
Independence Day--July 4
Summer Scholars TOP/Move-In--July 7 & 8 (all SRAs required to be present)
Fall RA Training--July 31-August 7
Summer Hall to Fall Transition--August 6 & 7
*Dates may be subject to change.
SRAs are expected to establish positive, effective working relationships with the Summer Hall Director and other student staff members.
SRAs are expected to maintain a direct line of communication with the Summer Hall Director; resolve questions, share concerns, follow-up, and provide updates with professionalism.
When communicating with each other, SRAs are expected to demonstrate maturity, respect, honesty, patience, and empathy.
SRAs are not to have romantic relationships with residents over whom they have direct, indirect, or perceived influence. Recognizing that such relationships can develop, SRAs are expected to disclose romantic relationships with residents to their supervisor at which time an alternative position or building transfer may be considered.
SRAs who choose to engage in romantic relationships with other SRAs are encouraged to disclose said relationships to their supervisors as this can cause unforeseen issues, at such time an alternative position or building transfer may be considered.
SRAs should not transport residents in personal vehicles in their role as an SRA.
SRAs must not use their position to have influence over residents, including friends, roommates, or partners.
Community Development
Display a positive attitude and serve as a constructive role model for hall residents.
Establish helping relationships with floor residents by knowing and calling residents by their preferred names.
Be familiar with and use university referral resources when needed (academic, personal, social, counseling, financial, disciplinary, etc.).
Create and maintain attractive, informative, relevant, and up-to-date Bulletin Boards, twice over the summer, and Door Decorations, as residents check-in.
Plan, advertise, facilitate, and evaluate floor and/or building-wide programs:
One all-staff, building-wide program per month during May and June,
One program per week, alternating weekly floor and building-wide, during July and August when Summer Scholars are in residence.
Promote an appreciation for diversity, equity, and inclusion by role modeling and facilitating positive interactions between residents.
Proactively address potential roommate conflicts by encouraging completion of the Roommate Lifestyle Agreement.
Mediate conflicts that may occur between roommates and among other residents.
Be cognizant of happenings on the floor or wing (i.e. environment, programmatic initiatives, student leadership, and behavioral issues) and communicate them to the Summer Hall Director or other university officials in a timely and appropriate manner.
Administrative Functions
Effectively manage time to meet all deadlines and fulfill all administrative duties.
Assist with room check-in and checkout procedures throughout the year.
Maintain accuracy of key box by distributing keys according to training.
Conduct informational floor meetings twice over the summer (at the beginning of the summer and when Summer Scholars arrive), according to supervisor expectations.
Be aware of the physical condition of hall common areas (hallways, kitchens, study rooms) and public spaces (lobbies, lounges, recreation rooms), reporting maintenance issues, concerns, damages, or vandalism to the Summer Hall Director in a timely manner.
Assist residents in submitting maintenance requests.
Accurately account for hours worked by signing in and out of desk shifts, recording hours on Web Time Entry, and submitting Timesheets by communicated deadlines.
Perform other duties as necessary or assigned by supervisors or the Central Office staff.
Safety & Security Functions
Contribute to the safety of hall residents and security of the residence hall by consistently enforcing university and residence hall policies, consulting with the Summer Hall Director as needed.
Uphold and maintain a positive attitude concerning the department’s policies and procedures.
Educate residents about hall policies and procedures, providing rationale and addressing questions.
Perform building rounds and complete rounds logs while serving on-call, three times per night.
Conduct health and safety checks of resident rooms according to published schedule.
Document alleged policy violations via Maxient Incident Reports, submitting Reports in a timely manner, and work closely with the Summer Hall Director to communicate actions taken.
Maintain confidentiality concerning policy violations and their resolution.
Respond to emergency and/or crisis situations according to training protocols.
Serve as Responsible Employee and report all instances of Title IX disclosures in adherence to university policy.
Customer Service Front Desk Operations
Adopt a spirit of helpfulness and provide excellent customer service to residents of and visitors to the residence hall, while working the front desk.
Serve as informational resource to residents and visitors, answer questions to best ability and make referrals when necessary.
Assist in ensuring the security of the building by requiring identification of residents and visitors upon entry, and logging visitors into the StarRez Student Housing System.
Accept deliveries, sort and log packages using Notifii Package Tracking software.
Summer Resident Assistants should expect informal, continual feedback regarding their
job performance from their supervisor throughout their appointment. SRAs are formally
evaluated once over the summer. During this process, feedback from residents and peers
may be requested. Failure to meet expectations for job performance will be documented
and may initiate Job Action.
Summer Resident Assistants serve as role models for academic success, conduct, and
behavior. To fulfill the duties of their position, SRAs must hold themselves accountable
to university and departmental policies, and expectations of their position. Should
an SRA fail to meet said expectations, or violate the terms of their employment, the
SRA can expect intervention on behalf of their supervisor up to and including termination.
The Job Action steps detailed below are intended to assist the SRA in identifying areas for improvement, accessing resources, developing skills sets, and building confidence to ensure success in the position.
- Verbal Warning (documented via Job Action form)
- Written Warning (documented via Job Action form; official letter in employment file)
- Probation
- Termination
Violations of the Student Code of Conduct, Hilltopics for Residence Hall Living, Student
Staff Manual, and housing contract may result in termination. Some alleged violations
require further investigation. During this time, the SRA may be removed from their
duties temporarily, pending an outcome. The Job Action process does not replace the
University conduct process; both processes can take place concurrently and separately,
with one sometimes impacting the other.
Any SRA who is terminated has the right to appeal the decision to the Director for
Housing and Residence Life or their designee in writing within five (5) business days
of termination. Upon termination, SRAs are required to move out of their assigned
space; accommodations elsewhere may be provided.
Interested students must apply online via Handshake. Contact CareerHelp@wku.edu with questions about your Handshake account.
The Summer Resident Assistant application requires an updated resume and video responses to supplemental questions. Video responses are collected via Spark Hire, a video interview platform, and are required for all applicants. Video responses can be submitted using a mobile device, tablet, laptop, or computer.
A link to Spark Hire will be sent to applicants via email within three (3) business days.
Tips for video responses:
- Pick a quiet and well-lit place where you won’t be interrupted.
- Speak clearly and audibly.
- Take time to consider your responses.
- Keep your responses concise, but make sure they’re complete.
- Listen to your recording. If you don’t like it, re-record it.
- Keep in mind reviewers will be able to see you; consider your appearance.
- Be sure to provide your identifying information prior to submitting.
Hiring Timeline--Summer RA Applicants
- Position Posted--March 5
- Application Deadline--March 15
- Interview*--March 25-April 6
- Offers Extended (via email)--April 12
- Deadline to Accept/Decline Offer--April 19
*Summer Resident Assistant applicants currently employed in the RA position (academic year 2023-2024) will complete their Summer RA interview during scheduled one-on-one times March 25-April 5.
SRA applicants who are not currently employed in the RA position (academic year 2023-2024) will complete their Summer RA interview on Saturday, April 6. Invitations to sign-up for an interview timeslot will be extended via email by April 3. The deadline to sign-up for an interview timeslot is Friday, April 5.
SRA applicants who are not currently employed in the RA position (academic year 2023-2024) and have also applied for the Academic Year 2024-2025 Resident Assistant position will only sign up for one interview timeslot on Saturday, April 6.
Application Currently Closed
The Summer Desk Assistant (DA) is considered a customer service position representing the Department of Housing and Residence Life. Summer Desk Assistants are an important part of the HRL Student Staff team. The primary responsibility of the Summer Desk Assistant is to serve as a customer service representative, a security monitor and referral agent for residents at Western Kentucky University. Desk Assistants also assist professional staff members in achieving the mission of the Department of Housing & Residence Life.
Provides excellent customer service to residents of and visitors to residence hall.
Communicates appropriately and effectively with residents, visitors, parents, WKU faculty, staff and administrators and respective supervisor.
Assists in ensuring the security of the building by requiring identification of residents and visitors upon entry, and logging visitors into the StarRez Student Housing System.
Assists in ensuring the safety of building residents by adhering to emergency response protocols.
Serves as informational resource to residents and visitors, answers questions to best ability and makes referrals when necessary.
Communicates emergency maintenance and incidents and concerns according to on-call protocols.
Enforces and upholds university and residence hall policies during assigned shift.
Documents alleged policy violations via Maxient Incident Reports and maintains confidentiality.
Accepts deliveries, sorts and logs packages using Notifii Package Tracking software.
Carries out additional job tasks as assigned by respective hall supervisor.
Represents university in a positive manner at all times.
Full-time, currently enrolled WKU student (must be enrolled for fall 2024).
Minimum 2.0 semester and institutional cumulative GPA (at time of application and throughout time of service).
Good academic, financial, and disciplinary standing with the department of Housing and Residence Life and university.
Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Excellent customer service skills.
Attends Summer training sessions as scheduled by the department and respective hall director (tentatively scheduled for Monday, May 6th).
Available to work for the duration of the Summer term, beginning Saturday, May 4th through Friday, August 9th.
Works some weekend and overnight shifts (12am-4am, 4am-8am) depending on needs.
Summer Desk Assistants earn an hourly wage of $8.50 for a guaranteed 20 hours per week. Summer Desk Assistants who are not enrolled in summer courses may work up to, and be compensated for, 40 hours per week. An SDA is permitted other on-campus employment if an only if 1) the total number of hours worked across positions does not exceed 40 hours per week, and 2) the other on-campus employment is disclosed to the Director of Residence Life or their designee prior to accepting the SDA position or upon acceptance of other on-campus employment. SDAs may hold other off-campus employment. Failure to meet expectations for the position will result in Job Action leading up to and including termination.
Compensation includes a double occupancy room (with roommate) in the Summer Hall at no cost, during employment dates (Saturday, May 4th - Friday, August 9th, 2024), so long as SDA works a minimum of 15 desk hours per week (SDAs are not required to live on-campus).
Opportunity to renew contract for continued employment during fall 2024 term.
Application Currently Closed
Full-time, currently enrolled WKU student (must be enrolled for fall 2024)
At least a second semester student at the time of employment.
Good academic, financial, and disciplinary standing with the department of Housing and Residence Life and university.
Under extremely rare circumstances, the Director of Residence Life or their designee may approve exceptions to the above qualifications.
SCAs are required to have and maintain a 2.5 institutional cumulative grade point average at time of application and throughout term of employment.
SCAs must have a FAFSA on-file for the current academic year. Failure to complete the FAFSA by May 3rd will result in employment offer being rescinded.
SCAs must complete all required hiring paperwork through the Office of Student Employment and successfully pass a national and local criminal background check prior to starting work. Failure to complete hiring paperwork and pass a national and criminal background check by May 3rd will result in employment offer being rescinded.
CAs will report for work on the day indicated and will remain until the day specified by the Department of Housing and Residence Life. SCAs should not anticipate leaving their position prior to the last Conference group checks-out on August 1st.
SCAs are to abide by all University and departmental policies, procedures, and conditions outlined in the terms of the housing contract, the Student Staff Manual, and Hilltopics for Residence Hall Living. SCAs must also meet the performance expectations of their respective supervisor.
SCAs must participate in all scheduled training sessions as coordinated by their supervisor and the Department of Housing and Residence Life (see “Important Dates” section below).
The SCA appointment is for the entirety of the Summer Conference Program season, roughly end of May through end of July. The appointment is contingent upon the successful completion of tasks, assignments, responsibilities, and favorable performance evaluations.
Summer Conference Assistants earn an hourly wage of $9.00 per hour for a guaranteed 10 hours per week.
Additional 20 hours on weeks serving on-call over the weekend (approximately once per month, earning a total of 30 hours that week).
Additional hours for Conference group check-ins (approximately two hours), check-outs (approximately two hours) and re-sets (30 minutes per floor).
Summer Conference Assistants who are not enrolled in summer courses may work up to, and be compensated for, 40 hours per week. An SCA is permitted other on-campus employment, including paid internships, if and only if:
they are not enrolled in courses during the summer,
the total number of hours worked across positions does not exceed 40 hours per week, and
the other on-campus employment is disclosed to the Director of Residence Life or their designee prior to accepting the SCA position or upon acceptance of other on-campus employment.
SCAs may hold other off-campus employment, including paid internships, if and only if:
they are not enrolled in courses during the summer,
the SCA position takes priority over the off-campus employment opportunity, and
the other off-campus employment is disclosed to the Director of Residence Life or their designee prior to accepting the SCA position or upon acceptance of other off-campus employment.
Failure to meet expectations for the position will result in Job Action leading up to and including termination.
SCAs are provided with many opportunities for leadership, interpersonal, communication, and conflict mediation skill development, networking, and work experiences applicable to many career fields.
The SCA compensation package includes a double occupancy room (with roommate) in the Summer Hall at no cost, during employment dates Tuesday, May 28th through Wednesday, July 31st, 2024 (available for duration of Summer term, Saturday, May 4th through Friday, August 9th, if needed).
CAs are required to work a minimum number of Conference check-ins, checkouts and re-sets and must be available to work every weekend in the month of June.
CAs may be required to work check-ins, checkouts and/or in an on-call capacity at times when the University is closed and classes are not in session including Juneteenth and Independence Day (see “Important Dates” section below).
When serving on-call, SCAs are expected to be present and available to respond to Conference attendee needs and any situations that arise. SCAs are provided with free housing and are assigned a bed space in the Summer Hall; they are expected to reside in this space.
SCAs help ensure the safety of Conference attendees by serving in a 24-hour on-call rotation, 6pm-6pm, roughly one standing weekday/night, and roughly one weekend (Friday at 6pm through Sunday at 6pm) per month. While serving on-call, during the week and on the weekends, SCAs are required to:
Remain in city limits prepared to return to campus to respond to issues between 7am and 4pm,
Remain on-campus between the hours of 4pm-7am,
Hold the on-call phone,
Conduct rounds of Conference buildings, and
Respond to calls.
They may also be called upon to work check-ins/outs.
SCAs are required to attend weekly staff meetings (1 hour per week).
Listed below are important dates for SCAs. SCAs are required to attend and participate in all trainings. Students interested in applying for the SCA position should make note of the dates listed below prior to applying. Note: these dates are subject to change but are best approximations as of the date of this posting.
- Summer Hall Opens--May 3 @ 6pm
- Memorial Day (University Closed)--May 27
- SCA Training--May 28 & 29
- Summer Conference Season begins--May 30
- Big Conference/Check-In/Out Weekend #1--June 1-2
- Big Conference/Check-In/Out Weekend #2--June 8-9
- Big Conference/Check-In/Out Weekend #3--June 15-16
- Big Conference/Check-In/Out Weekend #4--June 22-23
- Juneteenth (University Closed)--June 19
- Independence Day (University Closed)--July 4
- Summer Conference Season Ends--July 31
*Dates may be subject to change.
SCAs are expected to establish positive, effective working relationships with the Area Coordinator(s) for the Summer Conference Program and other student staff members.
SCAs are expected to maintain a direct line of communication with the Area Coordinator(s) for the Summer Conference Program; resolve questions, share concerns, follow-up, and provide updates with professionalism.
When communicating with each other, SCAs are expected to demonstrate maturity, respect, honesty, patience, and empathy.
SCAs are not to have romantic relationships with Conference attendees over whom they have direct, indirect, or perceived influence. Recognizing that such relationships can develop, SCAs are expected to disclose romantic relationships with Conference attendees to their supervisor at which time an alternative position may be considered.
SCAs who choose to engage in romantic relationships with other SCAs are encouraged to disclose said relationships to their supervisors as this can cause unforeseen issues, at such time an alternative position may be considered.
SCAs should not transport Conference attendees in personal vehicles in their role as an SCA.
SCAs must not use their position to have influence over Conference attendees, including friends, roommates, or partners.
Provide excellent customer service to Conference contacts, staff, participants, and visitors to residence hall.
Communicate appropriately and effectively with Conference contacts, staff, participants and respective supervisor.
Facilitate Conference group check-ins and check-outs.
Assist in ensuring the security of the building and accuracy of Conference billing by distributing Guest IDs and room keys according to Conference roster, consulting with respective supervisor regarding changes in room assignments, and auditing Guest IDs and room keys upon check-out.
Serve in 24-hour on-call rotation, providing support to Conference groups, consulting with respective supervisor when needed.
Assist in ensuring the safety of building occupants by adhering to emergency response protocols.
Communicate emergency maintenance and incidents and concerns according to on-call protocols.
Document incidents and concerns according to training and maintain confidentiality.
Serve as informational resource to Conference contacts, staff, participants, and visitors, answer questions to best ability and make referrals when necessary.
Complete room re-sets (i.e. removing trash, re-setting furniture, sweeping rooms, etc.) upon Conference group check-out.
Enforce and uphold university and residence hall policies while serving in the position.
Carry out additional job tasks as assigned by respective supervisor.
Represent university in a positive manner at all times.
Summer Conference Assistants should expect informal, continual feedback regarding their job performance from their supervisor throughout their appointment. SCAs are formally evaluated once over the summer. During this process, feedback from Conference contacts and peers may be requested. Failure to meet expectations for job performance will be documented and may initiate Job Action.
Summer Conference Assistants serve as representatives of the university and department of Housing and Residence Life. To fulfill the duties of their position, SCAs must hold themselves accountable to university and departmental policies, and expectations of their position. Should there come a time an SCA fails to meet said expectations, or violates the terms of their employment, the SCA can expect intervention on behalf of their supervisor up to and including termination.
The Job Action steps detailed below are intended to assist the SCA in identifying areas for improvement, accessing resources, developing skills sets, and building confidence to ensure success in the position.
- Verbal Warning (documented via Job Action form)
- Written Warning (documented via Job Action form; official letter in employment file)
- Probation
- Termination
Violations of the Student Code of Conduct, Hilltopics for Residence Hall Living, Student Staff Manual, and housing contract may result in termination. Some alleged violations require further investigation. During this time, the SCA may be removed from their duties temporarily, pending an outcome. The Job Action process does not replace the University conduct process; both processes can take place concurrently and separately, with one sometimes impacting the other.
Any SCA who is terminated has the right to appeal the decision to the Director of Residence Life or their designee in writing within five (5) business days of termination. Upon termination, SCAs are required to move out of their assigned space; accommodations elsewhere may be provided.
Interested students must apply online via Handshake. Contact CareerHelp@wku.edu with questions about your Handshake account.
The application requires an updated resume and interview. See “Hiring Timeline” below for more information.
- Position Posted--April 8
- Application Review Begins--April 15
- Application Deadline--April 19
- Interviews--April 15-25
- Offers Extended (via email)--April 26
- Deadline to Accept/Decile Offer (via survey link in Offer email)--May 3
*Summer Conference Assistant applicants extended offers to interview are required to sign-up for a 30-minute interview slot; interviews to take place in Housing & Residence Life Central Office, located in Southwest Hall.
Handshake #8870243
Please contact hrlapply@wku.edu
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