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Faculty and Staff Parking

How Do Parking Permit Sales Work?

Faculty/staff permits are available to employees and affiliates. 

  • Alumni Square Garage (AS) permits are sold on a first come, first served basis.  Additional permits are sold from a waiting list as space allows.
  • Premium Permits (FS1 & FS2) are sold as a renewal to current Premium Permit holders. Additional permits are sold from a waiting list as space allows.
  • Non-Premium (FS3) and South Campus (C7) permits are available to all employees.

To be placed on a waiting list, use the permit wait list option on your WKU PARKING ACCOUNT

Please note: parking lots may be reserved at any time for events or maintenance.  Monitor WKU e-mail or PTS Facebook / Twitter pages for service announcements.



Which Permit is Right For Me?

Employees who want a reserved parking option.  Contact Parking and Transportation at 270-745-2361 or transportation@wku.edu for details.
Employees working on the Hill or Alumni Square seeking a gated parking option.
Employees working on the Hill or near Ransdell Hall who prefer to park close to their workplace.
Employees working near Diddle Arena who prefer to park close to their workplace.
New employees and employees seeking a low-cost parking option on the perimeter of campus.
Employees who work at South Campus or who want a low-cost park and ride option.
Employees associated with Nursing School or DPT program.
Employees who would like a pay-as-you-go daily parking alternative to the annual parking permit.  Parking fees are based on the lot you choose and are valid only in the location, date, and time purchased through the PM website (wku.pmreserve.com

Evening Parking (4:30 PM – 10:00 PM, weekdays): 

See Evening Parking Map

  • Mimosa and Hilltop Lots become "AP" (All Permit) zones in the evening.  A current WKU permit is required for these lots. 
  • Remaining faculty/staff (FS1, FS2, FS3) and Commuter lots become open lots, no permit required.

Please note:  Housing zones are enforced for Housing permits at all times.

Saturday and Sunday Parking: 

  • All parking lots are open; permits are not enforced.  Enforcement of Housing permits begins at 4:30 PM on Sunday afternoons.
  • Disability parking, safety violations and meters near residence halls are enforced at all times.


Permit Descriptions

R:  Reserved Permit - $805/year

The Reserved permit (R) allows parking in:

  • Your designated space from 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM weekdays or times posted.
    • If an unauthorized vehicle is parked in your space during business hours, call PTS at 270-745-2361 to have vehicle cited or towed. 
    • If spaces are used for events/maintenance during business hours, alternate parking will be provided.
  • Any non-reserved space in all zones

To request a Reserved permit, call 270-745-2361 or email PTS at transportation@wku.edu with a request for reserved parking.  Please name the lot in which you are interested.  Requests will be reviewed and assigned as space allows in the requested area.  Wait lists will be maintained for high demand areas. 

AS: Alumni Square Garage Permit - $305/year

The Alumni Square Garage permit (AS) allows parking in:

  • Alumni Square Garage, 24/7 access
  • Non-Premium (FS3) lots
  • Commuter lots (except PS2 and PS3)
  • Lots zoned "OZ" (Overflow Zone)
  • South Campus Park and Ride Commuter lots (C7) 
  • Between 4:30 PM and 7:30 AM, Mon-Fri., permit is also honored in all lots except Housing.

Please note:  The Alumni Square Garage Permit is not honored in Housing zones.

HS:  Health Sciences - $150/year

The Health Sciences permit (HS) allows parking in:

  • The WKU Medical Center Gated Lot at the Medical Center Complex downtown.
  • Medical Center Garage 5th Floor
  • South Campus Park and Ride Commuter lots (C7) 
  • Lots zoned "OZ" (Overflow Zone)
  • 2:00 PM - 7:30 AM weekdays, also honored in Parking Structure 2 (C1) and Park Street Lot (C4).
  • Between 4:30 PM and 7:30 AM, Mon-Fri., permit is also honored in all lots except Housing.

FS1 & FS2: Premium Parking - $270/year

The Premium Faculty/Staff permits (FS1 and FS2) allow parking in:

  • Your designated zone at all times
    • FS1 = Hilltop Lot, Mimosa Lot, the Hill, and faculty/staff lots off Normal Street
    • FS2 = Lots around Diddle Arena and South Lawn Lot
  • Non-Premium (FS3) lots
  • Commuter lots (except PS2 and PS3)
  • Lots zoned "OZ" (Overflow Zone)
  • Between 4:30 PM and 7:30 AM, Mon-Fri., permit is also honored in all lots except Housing.

Please note:  FS1 and FS2 Premium Permits are not honored in Housing zones.

FS3: Non-Premium Parking - $130/year

The Non-Premium Faculty/Staff permit (FS3) allows parking in:

  • Non-Premium lots (FS3)
  • Commuter lots (except PS2 and PS3)
  • Lots zoned "OZ" (Overflow Zone)
  • Between 4:30 PM and 7:30 AM, Mon-Fri., permit is also honored in all lots except Housing.

Please note:  FS3 Non-Premium Permits are not honored in Housing zones.

C7: South Campus Park and Ride Permit - $55/year

The Park and Ride Faculty / Staff permit (C7) allows parking in:

  • South Campus Commuter lots (C7) 
  • 2:00 PM - 7:30 AM weekdays, also honored in C1 (Parking Structure 2), C4 (Park Street Lot), and lots zoned "OZ" (Overflow Zones).
  • Between 4:30 PM and 7:30 AM, Mon-Fri., permit is also honored in all lots except Housing.

PR:  Prepay Reservations

  • Prepay Reservations provide a pay-as-you-go daily parking alternative to an annual parking permit.
  • Go to the WKU prepay reservations website (www.parkmobile.io).
  • Follow the instructions to: 
    • Create and log in to your account
    • Select a parking facility
    • Select the date you would like to park. 
    • Select your parking option
    • Check out your shopping cart
  • Once you have completed your parking reservation, you are ready to park on campus. 
  • Prepay reservations will be limited to specific lots and sold on a first come, first served basis.  Parking availability may change from day to day.  Daily parking will always be available in the Campbell Lane Park and Ride lot.
  • The prepay reservation will only be valid for the date and location purchased. 
  • Reservations are also honored after 4:30 PM on dates purchased in Mimosa Lot. 
  • With an active reservation, a motorcycle with a prepay reservation can park in the PR spaces.
  • See the Prepay Reservation Fees
  • See the Prepay Reservations Map

NOTE:  Any active annual WKU permit may be used to make a reservation as well.  

D1: Disability Parking - $130/year

A WKU Disability permit is required to park in disability parking spaces on campus.  For more information regarding disability parking requirements, click HERE


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 Last Modified 8/15/24