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APR - Degree Review Overview and Annual Timeline

At Western Kentucky University, policy sets the requirements for and frequency of program review, which apply to degree/major programs. Since accredited programs are required to complete external reviews and compile and analyze much of the same data as WKU’s APR process, WKU allows accredited programs to submit annotated accreditation self-study reports as the bulk of evidence and analysis for the APR. Because accrediting bodies operate under different time cycles, WKU has tailored different pathways/cycles to facilitate the primary goal of the APR process—promoting continuous improvement. Unaccredited programs will undergo review every 5 years. Accredited programs with 5- and 6- year cycles will submit their reports aligning with those cycles. Programs with 7-, 8-, and 10-year cycles will submit a normal report aligning with the accreditation year and an update report that aligns with mid-cycle accreditation reports they already submit. Program review is coordinated by the Office of the Provost and that office maintains a web page that includes all information to support the process, including a schedule and a list of roles and responibilities. The Office of the Provost will also create an annual cohort group of programs undergoing APR to facilitate cooperation, communication, collaboration, and continuous improvement.


Planning for the Duration of a Review

The amount of time program review takes, from start to finish, can vary by program and/or college. Typically, the charge memo is sent the spring before the self-study is to be completed, the program has five years of data and student experience to reflect upon during the review, and the program has the summer and upcoming academic year to complete the process.

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 Last Modified 9/16/24