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The MHC HonorsToppers

Slone Pfeiffer
Slone Pfeiffer

Hi everyone! My name is Slone Pfeiffer and I'm a sophomore here on the hill, studying Art Education (with plans to possibly add a minor in Art History!). I am originally from Louisville, KY, but Western has become the most wonderful second home. You can find me chatting with friends at a local coffee shop, taking walks around campus on a sunny afternoon, or painting away up in the arts studio! During my time as a student, I've strived to explore the multitude of opportunities that this university and the Mahurin Honors College have to offer.  I serve as the Administrative Director of Alpha Xi Delta, I am a member of Circle of Sisterhood and the Feminist Student Union, and I am so excited to be one of your newest Honors Toppers this year!

Finding your place at a university is so important when it comes to planning visits and deciding where to apply, but the process can be stressful. Fun fact, I was never really excited to go to college until I toured WKU. For the first time I could actually see myself on a campus that made me feel at home. The Honors Toppers I met with that day were super helpful and passionate, as they explained how the Honors College worked and what it could do for me. I've had so many new experiences, made lifelong friendships, and been encouraged to realize my full potential. I could not be more excited to say that I am now planning to study abroad in United Kingdom in the Spring of 2023! All because of what Western can provide for its students. I can't wait to show you what I love about this place, and I hope you'll love it too! Go tops!

-- Slone Pfeiffer (IG: slone.pfeiffer)

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 Last Modified 1/11/24