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CE/T Excellence Award

A limited number of CE/T Excellence Award of $1,500 are available to support exceptional CE/T projects that have the potential to make a significant contribution to their field. When considering applications, the Honors Development Board (HDB) will consider how the funding will help 1) expand the project's scope and quality and 2) make the project more likely to get published or accepted into similarly juried opportunities.  The goal of the CE/T Excellence Award is to provide additional funding which allow a good research/creative project to become an excellent project. Because this award is very competitive and limited, the HDB relies heavily on faculty recommendations as it evaluates the project’s ability to positively impact the student’s academic development. Proposals that are not accepted for the CE/T Excellence Award are eligible to be considered for an Honors Development Grant (HDG.)


CE/T Excellence Awards can be used for

  • tangible items such as equipment or materials to be used for research *See notes below.
  • documentable travel expenses to support CE/T research 

*The MHC reserves the right to request two or more price quotes be obtained prior to purchase.

*All purchased items become the property of WKU.


CE/T Excellence Awards cannot be used for

  • membership dues
  • subscriptions
  • living expenses
  • tuition


CE/T Excellence Awards might be available

to pay an outside vendor/contractor (artist, speaker, interpreter, etc.); however, the process takes at least 45 days after approval by the Honors Development Board. Before submitting a request that includes an outside vendor, contact the Assistant Director for Academics.


When is the CE/T Excellence Awards application due?

The priority and final deadlines for the CE/T Excellence Award are posted on the MHC website and are emailed at the beginning of each semester.

CE/T Excellence Award applications turned in after the priority deadline will be considered after those submitted at the priority deadline, as funds are available. CE/T Excellence Award applications submitted after the final deadline will not be considered until the next semester.

CE/T Excellence Award applications turned in during the summer will be evaluated on a case by case basis, if funding is available.


How will I be notified if I receive a CE/T Excellence Award ?

Upon approval, recipients are notified by email.  The approval process takes up to a month after the deadline.


How are funds dispersed?

The award letter details how scholars can access funds either to reimburse expenses (as in the case of travel) or to pay an invoice. All receipts must be provided within 30 days of purchase.  After the 30-day deadline, funds will not be issued.

The application should be submitted and approved prior to any purchases. While certain purchases may have to be made prior to approval; The MHC is not obligated to fund any unapproved purchases.

The MHC reserves the right to request two or more price quotes be obtained prior to purchase.


What is required of CE/T Excellence Award recipients? 

In consideration of being awarded an CE/T Excellence Award, scholars are expected to do the following:

  • Submit photos (see below)**;
  • successfully complete the MHC curriculum;
  • successfully defend the CE/T project; and
  • write a thank you to donors for any private funds received.

**Photos: Within a month of defending your CE/T, please submit three to five photos to cet.advisor@wku.edu that capture representative moments of the CE/T process (scholar conducting research, traveling, doing fieldwork, presenting at a conference, working with colleagues or mentors, etc.). In the body of the email, please describe the location and people appearing in each photo.  Please be aware that the photos and information you submit will become the property of The MHC and may be used in online or print publications.



Before applying confirm that your first reader is willing to complete the Faculty Recommendation Form.

The CE/T Excellence award is the most competitive grant offered by The MHC. For full consideration, your application should make a compelling case that your CE/T will be exceptional (peer-reviewed article, national juried competition, etc.) and should be considered for funding before other projects.


 Start your CE/T Excellence Award Application

CE/T Excellence Award Questions?

For more information, please email honors@wku.edu.


For any questions, contact the WKU Mahurin College Team.

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 Last Modified 5/16/23