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WKU Mahurin Honors College Organizations
Application Opens February 14th

The Mahurin Honors College Alumni Ambassadors (MHCAA) is a student organization advancing the goals of the Mahurin Honors College (MHC) through volunteering and facilitating programs and initiatives to enhance student-alumni relationships, build traditions, establish a spirit of loyalty to the College, develop professional skills, and promote an understanding of the importance of philanthropy. MHCAA members serve as liaisons to alumni, parents of scholars, and other friends of the MHC who are helping to enhance, grow, and support the College.

HonorsToppers are the official student ambassadors of The Mahurin Honors College at WKU. HonorsToppers are dedicated to serving and promoting the Mahurin Honors College, seeking to build excellence through community by expanding relationships with all members of The Mahurin Honors College community, primarily prospective students. HonorsToppers strive to promote unity, tradition, service, spirit, and excellence through recruitment, admission, and orientation process, and beyond. HonorsToppers passionately champion the growth and successes of the Mahurin Honors College at WKU, serving as its advocates and ambassadors.

The Mahurin Honors College Scholars of Color (MHCSOC) is a student organization that was created in the fall of 2020 to help advance the goals of The Mahurin Honors College by providing a supportive social and academic community for multicultural honors scholars and allies. Our goal is to create meaningful relationships to holistically support the diverse honors scholar. Members of the MHCSOC are devoted to equity and inclusion, and they welcome all members to affirm a culture of diversity.

The mission of the Honors Social Planning Board is to create enjoyable experiences through service, community and development by providing meaningful opportunities for MHC scholars. Members are recruited each spring and fall (first-year). Executive board members are chosen each spring and serve a one-year term. The Honors Social Planning Board works closely with The Mahurin Honors College staff to host annual events and create interesting scholar programming opportunities. MHC scholars in good standing are able to apply, regardless of their year.

The Out In Honors Network is a community of queer, questioning, and ally scholars. We host events like the Queer Dance Party and a Pride Hour at the End of Year Bash and Honors Ball to create safe spaces for the queer community within the MHC. We have worked closely with other Honors organizations like HSPB and Scholars of Color to put together events like the Honors Ball and a viewing and discussion of The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson. We participate in Bowling Green Pride activities and host discussions about how to get involved with local and state politics, followed by Days of Action where we encourage students to contact their representatives regarding legislation that would affect queer Kentuckians.

Peer Mentors enhance the accessibility and effectiveness of MHC advising by providing peer-to-peer support systems. Peer mentors promote high-impact learning opportunities, guide scholars through the MHC curriculum options and assist in creating an inclusive, engaged learning community.

The Mahurin Honors College at WKU is proud to host a dynamic student-led branding team, dedicated to shaping and promoting the college's identity. Comprised of driven and creative individuals, this team plays a pivotal role in showcasing the essence and values of our institution.
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