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CE/T Advising

Tips for Faculty Mentors

  • Read over the Evaluation Rubric early. These forms provide guidance about the MHC’s expectations for CE/Ts.
  • Contact the CE/T Advisor (cet.advisor@wku.edu) if you have any concerns about the process.
  • Students working on CE/Ts most often encounter trouble when they have not been in contact with their advisors. Encourage your student to set small goals and meet with you to discuss progress toward completing those goals.
  • If your student stops making progress or drops out of contact, inform the CE/T Advisor.
  • Students are often very nervous about the defense because they do not know what to anticipate. The MHC expects that the defense (presentation and discussion) last for one hour, but beyond that, the faculty mentor should lead the defense, guided by disciplinary standards. Talk with your student early about what to expect and how to prepare.
  • Include your involvement in your annual activities.
  • Consult the faculty checklist in the back of the guide.
  • To acknowledge the contributions of faculty members, The MHC offers primary CE/T advisors a grant of $150 for each student who has successfully completed the CE/T process. These funds are distributed to your departmental index the semester after the student has completed the CE/T process.


Third Readers

The MHC assigns a third reader to each CE/T project when the Notification of Intent to Defend form is submitted by the student at the beginning of the semester in which they will defend. As representatives of The MHC, third readers provide guidance to project advisors and second readers regarding expectations for a CE/T project. They participate in the defense, ensure fairness, and play a substantial role in determining students’ defense designation. However, third readers generally do not contribute substantially to decisions regarding a student’s letter grade unless the first and second readers cannot reach an agreement or the third reader is in the same or a closely related discipline to the student.

If a conflict or problem should arise, third readers will assist as needed and keep The MHC informed.


CE/T Third Reader Roles

This link provides a PowerPoint tutorial on the responsibilities of third readers.


CE/T Evaluation Rubric

This document shows the rubric by which student CE/T projects will be evaluated.


Faculty Checklist

This document provides a checklist to ensure that all steps have been taken for a successful CE/T.


Student CE/T Handbook

This handbook is provided to students, detailing the CE/T process.


How to Digitally Sign Documents

This document details the steps for signing PDF documents.

For any questions, contact the WKU Mahurin College Team.

Some of the links on this page may require additional software to view.

 Last Modified 7/22/24