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Honors Development Grant (HDG)

HDGs provide funding to offset costs associated with academic research, travel to a professional conference to present an academic paper, and/or the purchase of materials to support academic endeavors. HDGs can only be used to support academic opportunities for which scholars are earning honors credit. Please carefully read these guidelines before starting the application below.


Current MHC scholars who are good standing and are making satisfactory progress in the MHC curriculum are eligible to apply; student must have earned at least six (6) honors credit hours to apply. Students who are on warning but not dismissed from the MHC may still apply, however, students in good standing will be given priority.

All requests must fall within standard WKU budget policies.

Examples of approved uses:

  • tangible items such as equipment or materials to be used for research or other academic endeavors**
  • documentable travel expenses to support CE/T research or to present at a professional conference.
  • expenses related to travel to an internship with substantial unmet costs.
  • Study away (a National Student Exchange program or WKU faculty-led program in the USA)


  • **The MHC reserves the right to request two or more price quotes be obtained prior to purchase.
  • **All purchased items become the property of WKU & MHC.

 Funds cannotbe used for:

  • membership dues
  • subscriptions
  • living expenses
  • tuition
  • computers

The Honors Development Board (HDB) weighs the number of applications, the available funds and the strength of each application.  

A strong application:

  1. clearly articulates how the funding will contribute to intellectual and professional development, course of study, and/or research goals,
  2. provides a detailed budget, and,
  3. if appropriate, specifies additional funding being sought from other sources.

In addition to these criteria, the scholar's GPA, honors curriculum progress, and financial need are considered. 

More information on the Honors Development Board may be found on the HDB page.

The Honors Development Board prioritizes educational experiences that that significantly contribute to an MHC scholar’s intellectual development, course of study and/or research goals. 

Highest Priority to Lowest Priority:

  • Intensive, domestic, credit-bearing language program or study away program
  • Supplies for CE/T research (up to $1,000) excluding subscriptions
  • Individual expense for an academic conference related to honors coursework when scholar is presenting CE/T presentation at a conference (up to $500)
  • Expenses related to a class-based project that produces a product (i.e., honors augmentation contract). Or, individual expenses for a faculty-led field trip/conference related to honors coursework when the scholar is not presenting (up to $500)
  • Conference attendance connected to a class (not presenting) (registration cost)

The Honors Development Board will review applications between the dates listed below, as funding allows. 

  • September 30: winter and spring programs
  • February 28: summer programs
  • March 30: fall programs

Applications received after these dates will be reviewed as funding allows.

Upon approval, recipients are notified by email. The approval process takes up to a month after the deadline. 

The HDG award letter details how scholars can access funds either to reimburse expenses (as in the case of travel) or to pay an invoice.

All receipts must be provided within 30 days of purchase.  After the 30-day deadline, funds will not be issued.

The HDG application should be submitted and approved prior to any purchases. While certain purchases may have to be made prior to approval; the MHC is not obligated to fund any unapproved purchases.

Scholars who were awarded HDG funding are expected to do the following:

  • Submit photos and a brief reflection of the HDG’s impact;
  • Successfully complete the MHC curriculum;
  • Meet with an MHC advisor each semester; and
  • Write a substantial thank you letter to donors for any private funds received. 

Requirement 1: Photos & Reflection

  • Photos: Select and email three to five photos to honors.hdg@wku.edu that capture representative moments of the HDG-supported experience (scholar conducting research, traveling, doing fieldwork, delivering a paper, working with colleagues or mentors, etc.). In the body of the email, please describe the location and people appearing in each photo. 
  • Reflection: In an attached document to accompany your pictures please provide the following: 1) Name, 2) Major, 3) Career goals, 4) Why was this opportunity important to your intellectual growth and/or research?

Please submit your photos and reflection essay to honors.hdg@wku.edu within a month of the conclusion of your HDG-supported project. Failure to submit these required materials may affect your eligibility for future funding from the MHC. Please be aware that the photos and information you submit will become the property of the MHC and may be used in online or print publications.


HON Development Grant

HDG Questions?


For more information, please email honors.hdg@wku.edu.

For any questions, contact the WKU Mahurin College Team.

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 Last Modified 6/11/24