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Fall 2024

Note: We have experienced an overwhelming response to our Fall Super Saturdays program.

The following list represents the class courses that are still available. We will offer another Super Saturdays session in February. Registration for that session will be available mid-December.


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Grades 2 & 3

8. Acting – Julie Boggess
Are you interested in trying out for a play or perhaps learning how you can improve the times you share your ideas in class? You will have fun participating in acting games that help develop the skills needed for acting and speaking. By the end of the three sessions, you will perform a monologue for your parents.

Grades 3 & 4

13. Over the Rainbow: Exploring Books through Art– Katy Whitford
Do you have a passion for art? What if you could learn new art styles and techniques through the lens of literature? This class will immerse you in the world of art by using children's literature as a vibrant backdrop, allowing you to explore creativity and expression through engaging stories and illustrations. Join us for a journey over the rainbow of reading!

Grades 4 & 5
17. Fairy Tale Mock Trials– Harmony Hendrick
Have you heard tales about The Big Bad Wolf? What about Goldilocks? When you read those stories, did you happen to think, “Wow! I’ll bet there’s a law against that behavior?” If you did, this class is for you. Join us as we explore the court system, learn the parts of a trial, and ensure that some fairy tale baddies get their day in court. Be ready to play your part and see that justice is served!

18. STEAM in Sports– Tara Tinsley
Calling all sports lovers! Join us to learn how STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) is intertwined into some of today’s most popular sports. Each week we’ll learn about a different sport and complete a STEAM challenge centered around that sport.

Grades 4, 5, & 6

19. Discovering Russian Culture– Ekaterina Myakshina
You won’t need a passport or plane ticket to explore the language and culture of Russia when you join our group of travelers. We’ll have a great time learning games, dances, songs, and common Russian words. You’ll watch familiar cartoons with the characters’ names in Russian and design your own Russian nesting dolls. By the end of your trip, you will impress family and friends with your new international language and culture skills!

Grades 5 & 6

23. Brain Teasers and Triumphs – Tristann Burks & Matthew Kenyon
Are you ready for a dynamic and interactive class designed to enhance your critical thinking, teamwork, and creative problem-solving skills? This course is designed to foster teamwork and enhance your ability to tackle complex problems. You will work with your peers to navigate a variety of challenges, develop innovative solutions, and learn from each collaborative experience.

25. Lens Lessons: Seeing Your World through a Camera– Lily Thompson
Do you have an eye for the creative? Photography could be your new outlet. Join an award-winning professional photojournalist in a fun, hands-on dive into the art of photography. You'll explore the ins and outs of how to document the world in front of you, letting your creativity guide you in taking photos. You'll even build your own camera! Explore the world through the amazing art of photojournalism. Note: Small digital camera and SD card required; no cell phone cameras, please.

26. Superhero School– Tallin Smart and Kenzie Williams
What’s your superpower? Superheroes are defined by their unique capabilities. Join our class to learn the science behind superpowers. Our superheroes will work together to develop team-building activities and put their minds to work to combat the villain. Beware! There may be a few tricks up the villain’s sleeve to challenge our superheroes. Join us to solve the mystery and defeat the villain’s evil plans.



Please review the classes above as they represent the classes still available for Fall 2024 Super Saturdays

Grades 1 & 2

1. Amazing Science Lab – Lyndsey Brooks (At Capacity)
Curious junior chemists wanted for an amazing science adventure! Explore colors, solids, liquids, gases, polymers, chemical reactions, mixtures, solutions, and so much more through minds-on, hands-on experiments. No fancy laboratory is required, just bring your curiosity and a love of science exploration! Please note this class does have some messy experiments. 

2. The Art of Nature – Sarah Lynch  (At Capacity)
Calling all artists! Create nature-inspired art while learning the science behind that nature! We will have so much fun investigating connections between science, nature, and art. I can’t wait to explore and create with you this fall!

3. Creepy Creations – Jessi Hampton (At Capacity)
Embark on a thrilling, hands-on journey through the engineering design process. Create a genetically modified monster, tackle eerie challenges like containing sinister carrots, and engineer a clever solution to help a spider in need. Blending science, creativity, and a dash of spookiness, this class is perfect for young engineers!

4. Picture-Perfect Science – Gayle Cooper (At Capacity)
Do you ever look at the world around you and ask, Why does it work that way?  How tall can I build this tower?  Why do birds look so different?  Well, if you love reading silly stories, building tall buildings, rolling objects down ramps, designing pollinators, or choosing the best bird beak shape, and so much more, then this is the class for you!  We will use a blend of science and literacy to learn more about the world around us!

5. Pirate Adventure and Hidden Treasure – Ellaine Thornberry (At Capacity)
Ahoy, mateys! Let's take a trip on the high seas for pirate adventures. We will sail back to the days of deserted islands, secret treasure maps, and hidden gold. All pirates will design their own pirate flags, make treasure maps, and hunt for gold. Come aboard and let's discover treasures and adventures galore. Young pirates will be using reading, math, art, and geography skills in this class. Land ho!

6. Spooky Art, Spookier Science – Ashley Davison (At Capacity)
If you are excited for fall, Halloween, pumpkins, ghosts, and black cats, then you will love this “Spooktober” adventure! Join your fellow artists and mad scientists in this class full of frightfully fun art-making and spooky science experiments. I can’t wait to have loads of fun making spooky art and spookier science with you!

7. Super Coders – Samuel Northern (At Capacity)
Join our team of Super Coders! As a Super Coder, you will learn computer programming skills to tackle exciting challenges. You will be in charge of operating robots and commanding a variety of devices to solve tasks and problems. Do you have what it takes to be a Super Coder?


Grades 2 & 3

8. Acting – Julie Boggess
Are you interested in trying out for a play or perhaps learning how you can improve the times you share your ideas in class? You will have fun participating in acting games that help develop the skills needed for acting and speaking. By the end of the three sessions, you will perform a monologue for your parents.

9. Be a Mathmagician! – Nicole Taylor (At Capacity)
Would you like to be a Mathmagician? Do you get excited at the thought of solving problems? Join us on a mathematical odyssey that includes games, puzzles, mysteries, and magic. Each week we will explore math using a fun, minds-on, hands-on approach. Let's wave our mathmagic wands, develop our mathmagical powers, and astound our friends and family!

10. Engineering Detectives – Gretchen Hines (At Capacity)
Are you ready to become an Engineering Detective? In this class, we will dive into the world of engineering through hands-on projects and fun challenges! We will investigate how engineers think and solve problems as we explore unique tasks using basic materials to build our creations. Join us for an exciting adventure and watch your ideas come to life as you solve problems, build, and create like a true engineer!


Grades 3 & 4

11. Discovering American Sign Language (ASL) – Holly Bryant (At Capacity)
Can you complete 10 eyebrow push-ups or talk (politely) with your mouth full? Join us as we discover the many accomplishments of people who are deaf in art, music, sports, and science. We will explore the basics of communication in ASL and storytelling. Classmates will play games such as tic-tac-toe, Gestures, and hide-and-seek. Hands-on learning will include a building tour and drawing art masterpieces. Come join the fun!

12. Einstein in Monet's Garden Meets Picasso! – Miwon Choe & Art2Dream Team (At Capacity)
What would happen if Einstein spent a day in Monet's studio with Picasso, the famous Spanish artist, and that flying violin artist, Chagall? Could Picasso's two-dimensional art enter the three-dimensional time and space of Einstein's world? Could their imaginations together embrace the entire world of art and science?  This class is for you if you are serious painters, innovators, and imaginators!  Don't worry, we will learn together all the tricks of the trade for various painting techniques in good company with these creative thinkers, artists, and innovators!

13. Over the Rainbow: Exploring Books through Art – Katy Whitford
Do you have a passion for art? What if you could learn new art styles and techniques through the lens of literature? This class will immerse you in the world of art by using children's literature as a vibrant backdrop, allowing you to explore creativity and expression through engaging stories and illustrations. Join us for a journey over the rainbow of reading!

14. Solving an Egyptian Crime – Candace Davis (At Capacity)
Calling all investigators and archaeologists! It has come to our attention that several artifacts have been counterfeited and sold on the black market. It is your job as investigators to dive into this crime scene and find the real artifacts and get them back to their rightful place. Mummifications, fingerprints, and fact-finding breakthroughs will lead you to the right place! Join us!

15. STEAM in the Park – Amanda Rupsch (At Capacity)
Do you like to solve problems?  Do you like to visit and learn about new places?  In this "STEAM in the Park" class, we will explore several national parks to learn about their unique wildlife, history, and landmarks.  Each of these parks faces challenges, so each week, we will take one or more of these real-life problems from the park and apply the engineering design process to develop possible solutions. Some of these ideas and designs will be shared with park rangers to inspire change.


Grades 4 & 5

16. Build a Play – Shawn Quinn (At Capacity)
Do you like acting? Do you like making up stories? Do you think we could make up a play and perform it in just three weeks? I bet we can! Join us and go from a blank script to a full play. We will explore writing, costumes, props, and performance.

17. Fairy Tale Mock Trials – Harmony Hendrick
Have you heard tales about The Big Bad Wolf? What about Goldilocks? When you read those stories, did you happen to think, “Wow! I’ll bet there’s a law against that behavior?” If you did, this class is for you. Join us as we explore the court system, learn the parts of a trial, and ensure that some fairy tale baddies get their day in court. Be ready to play your part and see that justice is served!

18. STEAM in Sports – Tara Tinsley
Calling all sports lovers! Join us to learn how STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) is intertwined into some of today’s most popular sports. Each week we’ll learn about a different sport and complete a STEAM challenge centered around that sport.


Grades 4, 5, & 6

19. Discovering Russian Culture – Ekaterina Myakshina
You won’t need a passport or plane ticket to explore the language and culture of Russia when you join our group of travelers. We’ll have a great time learning games, dances, songs, and common Russian words. You’ll watch familiar cartoons with the characters’ names in Russian and design your own Russian nesting dolls. By the end of your trip, you will impress family and friends with your new international language and culture skills!

20. Engineering a Brighter Future – Peyton Hess & Shelby Johnston (At Capacity)
What do parachutes, potato chips, and windmills have in common? They can be used to help solve problems facing our world today! Join us as we study ways to deliver supplies to those in need, design alternative energy solutions, and find other engineering solutions to today’s problems.

21. Learning Different Art Styles – Sydney Young (At Capacity)
In this class we will create artwork in three distinct art styles: art nouveau, pop art, and portraiture. We will learn what makes these styles unique and how to replicate them to include your subject matter. Have fun learning new ways to create art and take three new works of art home!

22. Who Kidnapped Big Red? – Jenna Grey & Chloe Cook (At Capacity)
Someone has kidnapped Big Red, and it’s up to you to save the day! You will search for clues and use chemistry to analyze what you find on the scene. What can you learn from the dirt? The fingerprints? Can you help us save Big Red before it’s too late?


Grades 5 & 6

23. Brain Teasers and Triumphs – Tristann Burks & Matthew Kenyon
Are you ready for a dynamic and interactive class designed to enhance your critical thinking, teamwork, and creative problem-solving skills? This course is designed to foster teamwork and enhance your ability to tackle complex problems. You will work with your peers to navigate a variety of challenges, develop innovative solutions, and learn from each collaborative experience.

24. Design and Coding 2D Video Games – Jennifer Emberton (At Capacity)
Gamefroot is a fun way to make games, animations, and stories to share with the world! You will learn creative coding and design thinking while experiencing the thrill of publishing a game. Come design a game with us!

25. Lens Lessons: Seeing Your World through a Camera – Lily Thompson
Do you have an eye for the creative? Photography could be your new outlet. Join an award-winning professional photojournalist in a fun, hands-on dive into the art of photography. You'll explore the ins and outs of how to document the world in front of you, letting your creativity guide you in taking photos. You'll even build your own camera! Explore the world through the amazing art of photojournalism. Note: Small digital camera and SD card required; no cell phone cameras, please.

26. Superhero School – Tallin Smart and Kenzie Williams
What’s your superpower? Superheroes are defined by their unique capabilities. Join our class to learn the science behind superpowers. Our superheroes will work together to develop team-building activities and put their minds to work to combat the villain. Beware! There may be a few tricks up the villain’s sleeve to challenge our superheroes. Join us to solve the mystery and defeat the villain’s evil plans.

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 Last Modified 9/18/24