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Twice-Exceptional Students Seminar

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8:30 am - 3:30 pm

Twice-exceptional (2e) learners are both gifted and have another diagnosis (such as autism, ADHD, learning disability, anxiety, and others). They need support for both their advanced cognitive abilities and areas of struggle.
Learn from one of the most knowledgeable educators on twice-exceptional (2e) children. This workshop is for classroom teachers, special educators, gifted resource teachers, counselors, and parents. Participants will learn strategies for building on strengths while supporting challenging areas and gain confidence to interact with children and young people who are 2e.


Online Resources on Twice-Exceptional Students

The 2e Center for Research and Professional Development at BridgesThe 2e Center is a first-of-its-kind multi-disciplinary hub where professionals, scholars, and practitioners combine expertise to enhance understanding of the growing population of 2e students. The primary goals of the Center are to create awareness, offer professional development, provide outreach, and generate projects that will improve services for the special population of children known as twice exceptional (2e). 

The site includes a page of Further Reading.

2e: Twice-Exceptional Newsletter: for parents, educators, and other professionals.

Twice-Exceptional pageon Wrightslaw: Parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys come to Wrightslaw for accurate, reliable information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities. 

The Twice-Exceptional Dilemma, a publication of the National Education Association

Twice Exceptional Learners, a special issue of Gifted Child Today

Twice Exceptionality: a special issue of Gifted Child Quarterly, published by the National Association of Gifted Children (Volume 57 Issue 4, October 2013). Some articles available online; full access by joining the NAGC. 

Ideas and Information from Past Twice-Exceptional Students Seminars

Visit the Archive

Access the full list of past presentations, resources, and recommendations at the Twice-Exceptional Students Seminar Archive

History of the Seminar

Our first seminar on the topic of twice-exceptional (2e) learners was held in September 2011, initially supported by the Twice-Exceptional Foundation, which was funded by the Arts Education Task Force established by Flora Templeton Stuart. Almost every year since then, we have offered a Twice-Exceptional Student Seminar to provide information and strategies on supporting these learners, who are defined as having at least one exceptional ability and disability. All presenters are world-renowned experts on the topic. Although educators have often made up the bulk of the audience, parents and students themselves are invited and welcomed too, and participation is free to all.


National Twice-Exceptional Community of Practice Definition

Twice-exceptional individuals evidence exceptional ability and disability, which results in a unique set of circumstances. Their exceptional ability may dominate, hiding their disability; their disability may dominate, hiding their exceptional ability; each may mask the other so that neither is recognized or addressed. 2e students, who may perform below, at, or above grade level, require the following:

  • specialized methods of identification that consider the possible interaction of the exceptionalities,
  • enriched/advanced educational opportunities that develop the child’s interests, gifts, and talents while also meeting the child’s learning needs,
  • and simultaneous supports that ensure the child’s academic success and social-emotional well-being, such as accommodations, therapeutic interventions, and specialized instruction.

Working successfully with this unique population requires specialized academic training and ongoing professional development.

REFERENCE: Baldwin, L., Baum, S., Pereles, D., & Hughes, C. (2015). Twice-exceptional learners: The journey toward a shared vision. Gifted Child Today, 38 (4), pp. 206-214.

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 Last Modified 9/13/24