The Summer Program for Verbally
and Mathematically Precocious Youth
June 22 - July 12, 2025
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A three-week residential camp held in June and July, VAMPY offers high-ability students who have completed grades 7–10 the chance to focus on one course during six class hours each weekday plus a nightly hour-long study hall. Classes are taught by highly motivated WKU faculty and high school teachers who are thrilled to have equally highly motivated students.
Students arrive at the WKU campus from counties around Kentucky, states across the nation, and countries all over the world to form a community of diverse backgrounds and interests. For gifted and talented students who crave knowledge, academic challenge, and peers who accept them as they are, VAMPY offers a life-changing world of both learning and friendship.
Where Will They Stay?
Campers participate in evening and weekend activities and live on WKU's campus in
an air-conditioned residence hall under the supervision of camp counselors.
The primary emphasis of VAMPY is academics. VAMPY’s rigorous educational environment
reminds students that learning is an enjoyable process as they spend three weeks immersed
in a topic of their choosing that ignites their curiosity. VAMPY classes are centered
on the students’ interests and consistently challenge them.
What Else Can They Do at Camp?
When not in class, campers participate in a wide range of activities that bring them
together as a community. Ask students what the other campers are like, and they’ll
respond with answers like, “family,” “accepting,” and “universally kind.”
Many camp activities are created by their counselors, most of whom are college students who attended VAMPY themselves. While they compete in Capture the Flag or make chalk art during evening Optionals; attend cookouts, baseball games, or dances on the weekends; or play endless card games with their hallmates, campers make friendships that can last a lifetime.
What is the Cost?
- A $400 deposit is due with completed application.
- Full tuition of $3,900 must be paid by June 1, 2025.
- Needs-based financial assistance is available.
VAMPY is a game-changer for the student who needs encouragement to be proud of his/her/their academic achievements.
What a wonderful gift this program is to young people. It made such a difference in my life at a fragile and crucial age.

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