National STEM Scholar Program
May 25 - 31, 2025
Seeking middle school science teachers who:
enjoy the creativity in teaching
are eager to share ideas with colleagues
are excited about networking with peers from across the country
would like financial and academic support for great ideas
The National STEM Scholar Program works to inspire the creativity and passion of middle school science teachers, ten of whom will be selected for this prestigious program. The next set of Scholars will be hosted by The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science and The Center for Gifted Studies May 25 - 31, 2025 at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Applicants must be teachers from the United States who teach science classes a majority of the day in grades 6, 7, and/or 8 and have at least two years of previous experience teaching science.
Scholars will engage in hands-on, minds-on science activities; connect with speakers and thought leaders in STEM education; learn with skilled science educators; and develop a creative Challenge Project for classroom implementation. Each Scholar will receive a Chromebook and funding for Challenge Project supplies and materials.
National STEM Scholars will share midpoint progress with their colleagues while attending the National Science Teachers Association annual meeting in April 2026. Mentoring will be provided throughout the year by Western Kentucky University faculty.
All expenses, including travel costs, materials, mentoring and Challenge Project supplies will be covered by a grant from the National Stem Cell Foundation.
If you have questions, please call 270-745-6323 or email
Leadership Team
Dr. Julia Roberts
Mahurin Professor of Gifted Education
Dr. Tyler Clark
World Council for Gifted and Talented Children Executive Administrator
Dr. Kerrie McDaniel
Associate Professor, Biology
Rico Tyler
SKyTeach Master Teacher
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