- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
VAMPY is a three-week camp that offers high-ability students who have completed grades 7–10 the chance to focus on one course during six class hours each weekday plus a nightly hour-long study hall. Classes are taught by highly motivated WKU faculty and high school teachers who are thrilled to have equally highly motivated students.
Learn more at https://www.wku.edu/gifted/vampy/index.php
- Location: L.D. Brown Ag Expo Center Main Arena
- Time: All Day
For more information: Bluegrass Miniatures
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
VAMPY is a three-week camp that offers high-ability students who have completed grades 7–10 the chance to focus on one course during six class hours each weekday plus a nightly hour-long study hall. Classes are taught by highly motivated WKU faculty and high school teachers who are thrilled to have equally highly motivated students.
Learn more at https://www.wku.edu/gifted/vampy/index.php
- Location: L.D. Brown Ag Expo Center Main Arena
- Time: All Day
For more information: Bluegrass Miniatures
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
VAMPY is a three-week camp that offers high-ability students who have completed grades 7–10 the chance to focus on one course during six class hours each weekday plus a nightly hour-long study hall. Classes are taught by highly motivated WKU faculty and high school teachers who are thrilled to have equally highly motivated students.
Learn more at https://www.wku.edu/gifted/vampy/index.php
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
VAMPY is a three-week camp that offers high-ability students who have completed grades 7–10 the chance to focus on one course during six class hours each weekday plus a nightly hour-long study hall. Classes are taught by highly motivated WKU faculty and high school teachers who are thrilled to have equally highly motivated students.
Learn more at https://www.wku.edu/gifted/vampy/index.php
- Time: All Day
WKU offices closed for Independence Day Holiday
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
VAMPY is a three-week camp that offers high-ability students who have completed grades 7–10 the chance to focus on one course during six class hours each weekday plus a nightly hour-long study hall. Classes are taught by highly motivated WKU faculty and high school teachers who are thrilled to have equally highly motivated students.
Learn more at https://www.wku.edu/gifted/vampy/index.php
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
VAMPY is a three-week camp that offers high-ability students who have completed grades 7–10 the chance to focus on one course during six class hours each weekday plus a nightly hour-long study hall. Classes are taught by highly motivated WKU faculty and high school teachers who are thrilled to have equally highly motivated students.
Learn more at https://www.wku.edu/gifted/vampy/index.php
- Location: E. A. Diddle Arena
- Time: 8:00am
Head for The Hill is a free open house event that offers a comprehensive look at WKU’s outstanding academic offerings, student activities, and beautiful campus. Sessions are offered to provide valuable information about life on The Hill, and an information expo allows students and their families the opportunity to personally connect with representatives from different academic departments, student services, housing, financial aid, and more!
Register online at https://www.wku.edu/headforthehill/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
VAMPY is a three-week camp that offers high-ability students who have completed grades 7–10 the chance to focus on one course during six class hours each weekday plus a nightly hour-long study hall. Classes are taught by highly motivated WKU faculty and high school teachers who are thrilled to have equally highly motivated students.
Learn more at https://www.wku.edu/gifted/vampy/index.php
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
VAMPY is a three-week camp that offers high-ability students who have completed grades 7–10 the chance to focus on one course during six class hours each weekday plus a nightly hour-long study hall. Classes are taught by highly motivated WKU faculty and high school teachers who are thrilled to have equally highly motivated students.
Learn more at https://www.wku.edu/gifted/vampy/index.php
- Location: Downing Student Union 2nd Floor
- Time: 9:00am
The Topper Orientation Program allows students and families to connect with the WKU campus and community. Students and their guests will learn about class registration and graduation requirements, meet other students, attend an advising session, and register for classes. This program will last all day. We ask that you plan to be on-campus until 4:30pm the day of your TOP. Pre-registration is required. We are excited you are officially joining the Hilltopper family!
Students entering the WKU Summer Scholars program must attend the Summer Scholars designated TOP date.
For more information or to reserve your TOP date, visit www.wku.edu/top.
Learn more about the WKU Summer Scholars Program, visit www.wku.edu/summerscholars.
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
Camp Discover is a week long residental camp at WKU.
Visit their website at https://gifted-studies.com/category/camp-discover/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
The Center for Gifted Studies’ Camp Explore is a one-week day camp designed for students with advanced ability and high interest who were in grades one, two or three during the previous school year.
Applications open March 1st.
For more information visit https://www.wku.edu/gifted/explore/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
Camp Discover is a week long residental camp at WKU.
Visit their website at https://gifted-studies.com/category/camp-discover/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
The Center for Gifted Studies’ Camp Explore is a one-week day camp designed for students with advanced ability and high interest who were in grades one, two or three during the previous school year.
Applications open March 1st.
For more information visit https://www.wku.edu/gifted/explore/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
Camp Discover is a week long residental camp at WKU.
Visit their website at https://gifted-studies.com/category/camp-discover/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
The Center for Gifted Studies’ Camp Explore is a one-week day camp designed for students with advanced ability and high interest who were in grades one, two or three during the previous school year.
Applications open March 1st.
For more information visit https://www.wku.edu/gifted/explore/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
Camp Discover is a week long residental camp at WKU.
Visit their website at https://gifted-studies.com/category/camp-discover/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
The Center for Gifted Studies’ Camp Explore is a one-week day camp designed for students with advanced ability and high interest who were in grades one, two or three during the previous school year.
Applications open March 1st.
For more information visit https://www.wku.edu/gifted/explore/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
Camp Discover is a week long residental camp at WKU.
Visit their website at https://gifted-studies.com/category/camp-discover/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
The Center for Gifted Studies’ Camp Explore is a one-week day camp designed for students with advanced ability and high interest who were in grades one, two or three during the previous school year.
Applications open March 1st.
For more information visit https://www.wku.edu/gifted/explore/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
Camp Discover is a week long residental camp at WKU.
Visit their website at https://gifted-studies.com/category/camp-discover/
- Time: 7:00am - 5:00pm
Annual activit reports due.
Upload to: https://www.wku.edu/academicaffairs/faculty-portfolio.php
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
A one-week residential camp at WKU.
For more information visit https://gifted-studies.com/category/camp-discover/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
A one-week residential camp at WKU.
For more information visit https://gifted-studies.com/category/camp-discover/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
A one-week residential camp at WKU.
For more information visit https://gifted-studies.com/category/camp-discover/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
A one-week residential camp at WKU.
For more information visit https://gifted-studies.com/category/camp-discover/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
A one-week residential camp at WKU.
For more information visit https://gifted-studies.com/category/camp-discover/
- Location: Florence Schneider Hall
- Time: All Day
A one-week residential camp at WKU.
For more information visit https://gifted-studies.com/category/camp-discover/
- Location: L.D. Brown Ag Expo Center Main Arena
- Time: All Day
For more information: Kentucky Department of Agriculture
- Location: L.D. Brown Ag Expo Center Main Arena
- Time: All Day
For more information: Kentucky Department of Agriculture
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