School Partner Resources
Information for High School Counselors, College and Career Coaches, and other school partners
School Partner Resources
You play a critical role in your students’ journeys to The Hill. We at Western Kentucky University want to thank you for the hard work and dedication you show for your students and our institution.
Frequently Asked Questions
There is no foreign language requirement for admission to WKU. To fulfill course requirements for WKU graduation, a student must have completed at least two years of the same foreign language in high school or take one foreign language class at the university 102 level.
Students with a 3.0+ unweighted GPA will qualify for an Academic Merit award. Keep in mind that students can continue to improve their test scores and GPA through high school graduation to increase their merit award.
You can view our degree pathways for various different programs here which will include the course requirements.
We will waive the application fee for current participation in the following programs:
- Free and Reduced Lunch
- ACT or SAT waivers
- TRiO, Upward Bound, Educational Talent Search, or Educational Opportunities
- Medicaid or SNAP
- Supplemental Security Income
- Dual Credit
- National Student Exchange
- Gatton Academy
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program
- Military Veterans and Active Duty Service Members (excluding Army Reserves or National Guard)
- Project Graduate
Additional fee waiver documentation may be requested to be submitted to admission@wku.edu.
Top Dollar Scholarship Source is the central scholarship application for all scholarships at WKU. By filling out the Top Dollar application students will be considered for every scholarship they qualify for out of over 1300 different scholarship.
It is important to note that there are two sections to the Top Dollar application. The “General Application” is all that is required for students to be considered for scholarships, while the “Additional Scholarships” section is for recommended scholarships that are outside of the WKU foundation and would require separate applications.
Joint Admission is the option for a student to be admitted to WKU with the understanding that they will not be attending WKU immediately and will instead attend a Kentucky Community and Technical College System institution until they are ready to transfer. This process simply expedites the transfer process when the student is ready.
All resident students are required to have a meal plan while commuting students will participate in a flexible spending plan.
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