Apply to be a Sustainability Student Ambassador
Sustainability Ambassadors Program
Sustainability Student Ambassadors serve as liaisons between students and the Office of Sustainability. The role of a sustainability student ambassador is to educate and promote sustainability and encourage environmentally responsible behavior at WKU. Sustainability student ambassadors also serve as examples of good environmental stewards with behaviors such as avoiding single use plastics, recycling, conserving energy, etc.
Each ambassador will complete 30 hours of service each semester. Ambassadors will be expected to serve for a minimum of one academic year, with an opportunity to serve as an ambassador for more than one year. Service requirements can be met through any combination of weekly events, presentations, Green Tours, and committee participation. Hours must be documented and approved by the Office of Sustainability. Students may be expected to attend a monthly Office of Sustainability meeting. Meetings/trainings will not count towards the total service hours.
Additional activities ambassadors may be involved in include, but are not limited to:
- Creating fun and engaging sustainability curriculum
- Developing, planning, and hosting sustainability programs and events
- Staffing tables at recruiting events and special events across campus
- Schedule or give presentations, particularly classroom and organization presentations
- Developing new approaches to reach and engage WKU students in sustainability
- Collaborating with campus organizations to address sustainability issues or requests. This may include hosting short sustainability trainings or talks.
- Leading Green Tours as requested
- Participating in SGA Sustainability Committee
- Strongly encouraged to take an approved sustainability course
Minimum Qualifications
- Interest in sustainability and environmental issues
- Minimum 2.5 Overall GPA
- A strong desire to explore sustainability concepts and have a solution-oriented positive attitude
- Commitment to monthly meetings and reliable communication
- Confident, self-motivated, well-organized, and able to work independently and in multi-disciplinary teams
Attendance and Attire
All student ambassadors are expected to be present at any event they signed up to attend. If a student ambassador is unable to attend the event, it is their responsibility to find another student ambassador to attend the event and to notify the WKU Office of Sustainability of this change.
In their official capacity, student ambassadors will be serving as representatives of WKU, the Office, and themselves. To this end, students are expected to dress professionally and behave responsibly. Ambassadors will be provided an official Office of Sustainability Student Ambassador shirt, which they should wear at all ambassador-related events unless informed otherwise.
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