Ensemble Auditions
Spring 2025 Ensembles
• Treble Chorus is open to all soprano and alto voices without audition - sign up
now (MUS 370-00, CRN 47650)
• Choral Society is open by audition. Auditions for new members will be held prior
to the first rehearsal. Sign up for the class now (MUS 340-500, CRN 07185) and sign
up for an audition here.
• WKU Chorale and University Singers are not open for auditions in the Spring 2025
semester. Auditions for the Fall 2025 semester will be held in April 2025.
Entrance to all MUS 340 ensembles is by successful audition only. University students must re-audition each year.
The audition will consist of vocalizing, pitch-matching, and sightreading of rhythmic
and melodic examples. Students demonstrating proficiency in these areas may register
for the ensemble into which they are placed.
Audition Process: Preliminary auditions are held in April for the following academic
year. New incoming students will audition in August prior to the first day of classes,
and final rosters will be posted upon the conclusion of the audition process.
Mid-year auditions for spring semester will be at the discretion of the director and
may vary year to year based on need and the balance of the ensemble.
Ensemble results will be posted to https://www.wku.edu/music/sing/ensembleauditions.php once they are completed. Students registered for the class that did not successfully
audition into the group will be dropped from the roster by the professor. The director
reserves the right to turn away a student if they lack the necessary vocal proficiency
to participate in and contribute to the choir.
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