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Graduate Faculty

WKU Graduate Faculty engage in creative activity and diverse scholarship including basic and applied research that expands knowledge, improves instruction, increases learning, and provides service to the state and the nation. Academic Affairs maintains a comprehensive list of WKU faculty, including distinguished professors.  

All courses offered for graduate credit at WKU must be taught by graduate faculty. Membership in the graduate faculty may be acquired through two methods. First, membership may be granted through the hiring process. The department head or program director/ coordinator should recommend graduate faculty status at the time of hire. The College Dean will review the recommendation, approve, and forward the recommendation to Graduate Studies. Second, membership may be granted to current faculty members via a recommendation by the faculty member’s department head or program director/coordinator. The College Dean must review the recommendation, (dis)approve, and forward to Graduate Studies.

Nominations and recommendations are based upon the general criteria of evidence of scholarly attainment, active participation in research, scholarly activities and/or professional accomplishments which are recognized or commended by professional organizations in the candidate’s field and professional standing. Graduate faculty should also express a willingness to direct the study of graduate students. College deans, department heads, or program director/coordinator should evaluate faculty for graduate faculty status as part of the annual review procedure in accordance with the general criteria listed above.

(Approved by Graduate Council 12/10/15)




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 Last Modified 9/13/24