WKU News
Contest recognizes high school yearbooks
- Friday, November 22nd, 2019

High school yearbooks were honored during an awards ceremony at WKU Nov. 22. The Yearbook Mark of Excellence Awards had entries from 19 high schools in Kentucky and Indiana.
The Angeline from Sacred Heart Academy in Louisville was named the top overall yearbook. The Angeline is advised by Allie Teta.
A full list of winners, along with a slideshow of their work and comments from the judges, can be found at https://www.wku.edu/khsmi/contests/moe-yearbook.php.
The James L. Highland Media Adviser of the Year Award was also presented during the ceremony. The 2019 recipient is Tammy Rastoder, a language arts teacher at South Warren High School who advises The Chronicle yearbook, the Spartan Nation news blog and the Drive South literary magazine.
The awards ceremony was part of Media Scholars Day, an annual conference for high school journalists who work on their school yearbook, newspaper or broadcast outlet. Nearly 500 students from 25 schools attended the event, which included 20 breakout sessions taught by WKU faculty, staff and students.
For more information about events and contests held by the Kentucky High School Media Institute, contact Sam Oldenburg at samual.oldenburg@wku.edu. The institute is a program sponsored by WKU’s School of Media.
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