Media Relations
WKU Media Relations
WKU’s Office of Media Relations seeks to ensure regional, state and national media exposure to promote and publicize WKU programs, faculty and student achievements, and academic quality, service and research initiatives.
Media Relations utilizes a variety of communication methods to reach the public, including news releases, media contacts, photographs and video, the WKU website, WKU News page, WKU on social media and the Today@WKU newsletter.
Have news you'd like to share? Please Contact Us.
View our comprehensive guide to composing press releases.
Subject matter experts
The WKU Office of Media Relations maintains an expert database of faculty and staff members who can offer perspective on a wide variety of topics. Any media in need of subject matter experts to comment on stories are encouraged to contact the WKU Office of Media Relations at 270-745-4295 or wkunews@wku.edu for assistance coordinating interviews.
Filming and photography on campus
- Filming and photography are permitted in public spaces on WKU’s campus.
- Filming and photography in classrooms or other university spaces in which course instruction is taking place or where a reasonable expectation of privacy exists (study spaces, meeting rooms, etc.) could violate students’ educational privacy rights and is thus not permitted without prior notification and approval from the WKU Office of Media Relations.
- Filming and photography are not permitted in residence halls or individual employee offices without prior approval.
- Media should obtain prior notification and approval to film or take pictures in spaces reserved by individuals or groups to host meetings, activities, events, etc.
- If unsure, please contact the WKU Office of Media Relations at 270-745-4295 or wkunews@wku.edu
Coverage of events sponsored by the university
The WKU Office of Media Relations will work with media outlets that wish to gain access to cover university-sponsored events. Media are encouraged to coordinate access and coverage options with the Office of Media Relations.
Coverage of events not sponsored by the university
Many individuals and organizations, comprised of individuals affiliated with the university as well as individuals who are not affiliated with the university, utilize space on campus to host events that are not sponsored by the university. The WKU Office of Media Relations does not coordinate media access and coverage for non-university sponsored events, including for external groups who rent space on campus to host concerts, performances, guest speakers, exhibits, etc., as well as events sponsored by students, faculty and staff. Media wishing to cover those events should work directly with event organizers to coordinate access.
Coverage of WKU athletics events
Media access to WKU Athletics events is coordinated by the Athletics Department’s Office of Communications and Marketing. Media wishing to cover WKU Athletics events should contact Athletics Communication and Marketing at 270-745-3542.
Drone usage
Taking into consideration privacy and safety issues, the operation of an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS), including Model Aircraft and drones, is strictly prohibited over Western Kentucky University property without prior written approval from the WKU UAS Usage Review committee. For more information, visit the WKU Unmanned Aircraft System Policy. To request conditional approval to use a UAS over WKU property, please visit the Drone Use Exemption Application.
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