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Performance Development Reflection and Goal Setting

WKU is in a transition period as we progress on a new Performance Development Program.  However, it remains important for employees and supervisors to engage in conversations concerning successes and opportunities relative to job performance. 


Performance development is a process that helps employees and supervisors succeed at accomplishing the mission of the institution by engaging in continuous and meaningful dialogues about achievements, skills, and workstyle. The facilitation of this begins with the Performance Development Reflection & Goal Setting Workflow. This should be accompanied by one-on-one conversations between supervisors and employees that focus on performance development, goals, and action plans for the new fiscal year. Objectives and a checklist for these meetings can be found below.  Resources are also available at the bottom of this page, including a worksheet for creating SMART Goals.  Please use the resources to facilitate your conversations. 


All staff are to submit their portion of the workflow to their supervisor by August 31st.  Supervisors are to submit their comments to the  by November 1st. Once supervisor comments are added, copies will be retained by the employee, supervisor, and Human Resources. This process is in accordance with University Policy 4.2910, Annual Performance Development Process. Completion of this process is required by our accreditors, and we thank you in advance for your participation.


All staff employed by July 1st, 2024, are required to complete this process.



Staff completion

due by August 31st

Supervisor completion

due by November 1st


Performance Development Reflection & Goal Setting Workflow 



The objectives for your conversations should be to:

  • Collaborate to ensure understanding of job responsibilities, unit/department/divisional goals and how their work contributes to overall university success.
  • Reflect on previous Fiscal Year achievements and opportunities of growth.
  • Determine areas of focus for the upcoming Fiscal Year.


Supervisor's checklist for conversations: 

  1. Share departmental goals with team members, and how your department contributes to the university strategic plan.
  2. Meet one-on-one with each direct report to:
    1. determine their role in unit/departmental/divisional goals.
    2. discuss year ahead goals.
    3. reflect on achievements and opportunities for growth and development.
  3. Assist each direct report with creating 2-4 SMART goals for the upcoming Fiscal Year.
  4. Check in with direct reports periodically to assess progress and adjust as needed.


Supervisors and department/unit leaders will be accountable to their respective vice president or college dean for compliance with these requirements.  The referenced documentation should be retained within department/unit records.



What is a SMART Goal?
SMART Goal Worksheets
Conversation Prompts for Supervisors
Action Verbs

Why is Goal Alignment Important?

Recorded Presentations

Smart Goal Samples

Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample 3

Sample 4

Sample 5

Sample 6




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 Last Modified 7/11/24