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Twice-Exceptional Students Seminar
  • Date: Thursday, November 1st, 20182018-11-01 through Friday, November 2nd, 20182018-11-01
  • Time: 8:30am - 3:30pm
  • Location: Knicely Conference CenterKnicely Conference Center
 Gifted students who also have another exceptionality such as a learning disability tend to fall between the cracks, with each exceptionality cancelling the other out so neither is recognized or only one becomes the focus of learning. National experts Daphne Pereles and Lois Baldwin (who coined the term twice exceptional) will present this concept in two parts over two days. 
The first day is designed for those new to the concept (or for those who want a refresher). The focus will be understanding the concept, recognizing 2e student characteristics, and becoming familiar with applicable questions to use in the development of a learning plan. Case studies of real 2e students will provide insight, practice, and a realistic view of working with these students. 
Part 2 on the second day can be a stand-alone day for educators already familiar with the content from the first day, or it can be a continuation. This day focuses on exploring how the learning environment and teaching style impact the success of a 2e student. Through role play and case studies, participants will learn the problem-solving process to analyze data and to develop a plan to address the 2e student’s strengths and challenges. Finally, participants will identify approaches to programming to support the success of 2e students. 
Cost to attend one day is $75, while the cost to attend both days is $125. EILA credit is available. 
For more information or to register, please visit: https://www.wku.edu/gifted/educators/twice_exceptional/index.php.

Contact: 270-745-6323

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