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Minding My Math Business
  • Date: Wednesday, June 14th, 20232023-06-14
  • Time: 8:00am - 4:30pm
  • Location: Gary Ransdell HallGary Ransdell Hall

Minding My Math Business is a five-day inclusive summer program for Black and Brown youth to learn rigorous mathematics that develops the young scholars’ mathematical identity and celebrates them as gifted mathematicians. Additionally, the young scholars will engage in and learn about mindfulness and meditative interventions for overcoming negative emotions that often accompany math anxiety. The camp is open to all youth in grades 6-12. The educational program provides a curriculum for 6-8 grade youth in the morning followed by 9-12 grade youth in the afternoon. 

This program is organized by WKU professors from the Departments of Mathematics, Finance, and Counseling & Student Affairs in partnership with For a Real Change, Inc. and The Kelly M. Burch Institute for Transformative Practices in Higher Education. The 2023 program is presented thanks to a grant from the WKU Sisterhood.

Contact: Dr. Kanita DuCloux, kanita.ducloux@wku.edu

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 Last Modified 2/27/21