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PCAL Advising Information

PCAL Undergraduate Course Catalog 
Our course catalog contains a complete listing of academic information and degree requirements for all PCAL departments and programs.

Undergrad Course Catalog




Advising Basics

Your Academic Advisor

All degree-seeking students are assigned a primary Academic Advisor. Advisors help students navigate through their college years and assist students in: registration, course, degree, and general advisement and support. You can access the contact information for your advisor(s) in TopNet under:

  • "Student Services", then "Registration", and select "View Advisor Information".
  • If you don't have an advisor listed, contact academic.advising@wku.edu or call 270-745-5065
  • Students are required to meet with their academic advisor each semester.
  • Before registering for the next term's courses, advising is required to remove the registration hold placed student accounts.


Schedule an Advising Appointment:

You must meet with your primary advisor prior to registering for classes for the upcoming semester to receive degree advisement and have your advising hold lifted. Contact your advisor prior to your assigned Priority Registration date. You can schedule an advising appointment by:

  • TopNet Advising Calendar: Click here for instruction guide
  • Email or phone: contact your advisor directly
  • Priority Registration: Check for dates at https://www.wku.edu/registrar/ > Registration Guide.


Talk to an Advisor



WKU Colonnade (Gen-Ed):

PCAL offers the vast majority of the Colonnade Foundations and Exploration courses. 

Colonnade Plan Requirements


Registration and Degree Planning Tools

Schedule Planner

Schedule Planner works with TopNet and allows you to plan your coursework for the upcoming term(s)



Degree Works is a web-based tool that provides a clear and convenient method for students, academic advisors, and faculty to track degree progress, to prepare for registration, and to plan for graduation. 



iCAP keeps track of all of the general education requirements, emphasis hours, elective hours, upper-level hours, and more.

Step-by-Step Guide



Important Dates

View the WKU Academic Calendar




Stay Connected


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 Last Modified 2/11/25