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Dean's Council of Students

What is a DCS Ambassador?

The Potter College Dean’s Council of Students is the ambassador group of PCAL at Western Kentucky University. DCS is a student-led service organization of passionate individuals majoring or minoring in one or more academic disciplines within the College. Students involved with the group are competitively selected annually and serve throughout the academic year. 

DCS members assist the Dean’s Office, college departments, and faculty in connecting with prospective and current students. Additionally, DCS members provide campus and facilities tours, participate in University-wide events, host PCAL-sponsored events, and collaborate with like-minded Registered Student Organizations. Activities range from volunteering in the Bowling Green community, guiding scholars/professionals around campus, answering questions from students during Head for the Hill, surveying the student experience within PCAL, and hosting our annual Fall Festival. 

Application opens Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 and closes on Friday, March 7th, 2025.

Apply Now

DCS 2024



DCS Mission

The Dean’s Council of Students exists to inspire love for Potter College. Above all, we seek to understand and address the college’s needs, especially those of PCAL faculty, students, and staff. We aspire to instill a sense of belonging within PCAL from the classroom and beyond. We stand out as an example of a supportive network–encouraging excellence, embracing community input, and investing energy into the lives of those around us as we spur Potter College students toward lives of service and success.



2025-2026 Recruitment Schedule

Feb. 4th

Application Open

March 7th

Application Due

March 10th - March 14th

Application Review

March 24th - April 11th

Interviews with DCS Advisors


Meet & Greet Informal Interviews

Week of April 14th

Selection Notifications


DCS End of Year Celebration - senior farewell and introduction of new members


Ambassadors are expected to:

  • Be a Potter College of Arts and Letters major
  • Attend our weekly meetings at 5pm on Thursday
  • Maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher
  • Participate in a mandatory training meetings the week before fall classes start
  • Participate in mandatory meetings
  • Participate in no fewer than three (3) events per semester (at least one recruitment event in the fall and one Topper Orientation in the spring)
  • Have excellent oral communication skills and poise in dealing with diverse groups of visitors
  • Be willing to gain knowledge of PCAL and WKU
  • Engage with prospective and current students and others to share the excitement of majoring in PCAL!

Benefits to being an ambassador:

  • Network with students, faculty, and professionals from various PCAL programs
  • Develop and apply leadership, communication, and decision-making skills
  • Have fun while interacting with students that have similar interests and goals
  • Provide service that engages you in the life of PCAL and WKU
  • Members of the Dean’s Council of Students who have went above and beyond for the organization will have the opportunity to request a letter of recommendation from Dean Terrance Brown.

Application opens Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 and closes on Friday, March 7th, 2025.

Apply Now




What's Going on in DCS?

There's plenty to see and do as a DCS member! Check out what we've been up to lately.

Learn More


For more information 

email wkupcaldcs@gmail.com.

Letter of Recommendation Request Form (please read form carefully)

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 Last Modified 2/4/25