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WKU Technology Resources


Technology at WKU

Below are a number of sites that will be very useful for your life at WKU:

  • iStart is an online portal for international students and scholars. You will use iStart to complete many important tasks before and after you arrive at WKU.
  • Topnet is the place for many online services. You can see your class schedule, pay your bill, view your grades and transcripts, purchase a meal plan, and much more.
  • Blackboard (Bb) is WKU’s online course delivery system. It is also frequently used to supplement face-to-face classes.
  • Your TopperMail email account is how you will receive official communications from WKU. You are issued a TopperMail email account within 24-48 hours after initial course registration. Students do not get an email account upon admission to the university, you must register for classes first.
  • myWKU is a secure site providing you with one stop single sign-on authentication to most major WKU systems and services. You login once, and then have single click access to services without logging in again.
  • You will use a NetID to log into your computing account. The NetID and password are used to login to most major WKU computer systems and services including, but not limited to, Blackboard, TopNet, myWKU, Email, Computer Labs, and WKU Wireless.
  • If you need help with technology at WKU contact the IT helpdesk.

Cell Phones

There are two main options for cell/mobile phones in the US:

Contract Plan

  • Most common option in the U.S. and usually requires a 1-2 year contract
  • Low monthly rates but a large fee if you break or cancel the contract
  • Usually requires a social security number and credit check or a security deposit to sign up
  • Receive a free or discounted phone, depending on the plan and provider
  • Some cell phone companies may ask for proof of address – utility bill that has been mailed to where you are currently living in the US

Prepaid/Pay-As-You-Go plan/SIM cards

  • Pay monthly bill in advance for a certain number of minutes and texts
  • No contract, social security number, or deposit required
  • Usually cheaper phones with less features
  • Advantages include no long-term contracts, security deposits, or penalties for cancellation
  • If you are bringing an UNLOCKED phone from home you can also just purchase a SIM card when you arrive in the US to set up your plan

Note: Double-check all the details of your plan before you purchase one including: number of minutes, texts, data, etc.

Cell Phone Discounts

Cell phone discounts are also available for WKU students:

AT&T: WKU Student (8%)

Sprint: WKU Student (10%)

Please use the Cellular Discount Portal to access AT&T and Sprint cellular discounts.

Bluegrass Cellular: WKU Student (15% services, 10% accessories) Provide your WKU ID in-store to receive your discount.





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 Last Modified 12/1/20