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Process for Academic Dishonesty


Academic Integrity


Knowingly furnishing false information to the University, or omitting relevant or necessary information to gain a benefit, to injure, or to defraud is prohibited. Examples of dishonesty: cheating, plagiarism, misrepresenting of oneself or an organization.


Academic Integrity

Students are expected to pursue their studies with commitment to intellectual honesty and personal integrity. The maintenance of academic integrity is of fundamental importance to the University. Examples of academic offenses include (but are not limited to): any act of plagiarism, cheating, or falsification or misuse of academic records. Thus, it should be clearly understood that acts of plagiarism or any other form of cheating will not be tolerated and that anyone committing such acts risks punishment of a serious nature. A student who believes a faculty member has dealt unfairly with them in a course involving academic offenses such as plagiarism, cheating, or academic dishonesty, may seek relief through the Student Complaint Procedure. Questions about the complaint procedure should be directed to the Student Ombuds Officer at student.ombudsman@wku.edu. 


Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is defined as engaging or attempting to engage in any activity that compromises the academic integrity of the institution or subverts the educational process. This definition applies to work submitted face-to-face or through on-line or electronic means and work submitted for face-to-face, hybrid, and on-line courses. Students who commit any act of academic dishonesty may receive from the instructor a failing grade in that portion of the coursework in which the act is detected, or a failing grade in the course without the possibility of withdrawal. The faculty member may also present the case to the Office of Student Conduct for an alleged violation of the code of conduct and the Office of the University Registrar if action by these offices are required. Students may be held responsible for committing academic dishonesty while enrolled even if the student withdraws from the course.  A student who believes a faculty member has dealt unfairly with him/her in a course involving academic dishonesty may seek relief through the Student Complaint Procedure.  



To represent written work taken from another source as one’s own is plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious offense. The academic work of a student must be their own. One must give any author credit for source material borrowed from them. To lift content directly from a source without giving credit is a flagrant act. To present a borrowed passage without reference to the source after having changed a few words is also plagiarism. Engaging in an act or acts by using someone else's work or generative artificial intelligence and presenting this work as one's own.



Knowingly engaging in acts involving dishonesty, deceit, deception, fraud, fabrication, or falsification in any academic work. Copying the work of others. Permitting others to complete assignments including the use of commercially produced research papers.  No student shall receive or give assistance not authorized by the instructor in taking an examination or in the preparation of an essay, laboratory report, problem assignment, or other project that is submitted for purposes of grade determination. 


Multiple Submissions

Submitting the identical or substantially the same assignment or portions thereof to fulfill the requirements for two or more courses without approval of the instructors involved, including when repeating a course; or submitting the identical or substantially the same assignment or portions thereof from a previously completed course to fulfill the requirements for another course without the approval of the instructor of the latter course; or submitting the identical or substantially the same assignment or portions thereof to fulfill the requirements for two or more academic assignments within a course without the approval of the instructor. 


Other Types of Academic Dishonesty

Other types of academic offenses, such as the theft or sale of tests, should be reported to the Office of Student Conduct at (270) 745-5429 for further action. http://www.wku.edu/studentconduct/process-for-academic-dishonesty.php.


What if a student plagiarizes or in some other way is academically dishonest?

The Faculty Syllabus, or Handbook may permit a faculty member to fail a student on the assignment or the entire class. Cases of academic dishonesty may be referred to The Office of Student Conduct for review and additional action. Faculty or reporting staff should meet with the offending student; inform them of the violation; and make them aware that they have been referred to The Office of Student Conduct prior to submission of your report and/or the start of the student conduct proceedings.

How do I file a report?

Faculty or Staff members create incident reports and supporting documentation via  https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?WesternKentuckyUniv&layout_id=5 to the Office of Student Conduct.  








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 Last Modified 8/1/24