Facebook Pixel SIAM Student Chapter Mini Workshop on the "Control of Partial Differential Equations", Game Night, & Elections | Western Kentucky University


SIAM Student Chapter Mini Workshop on the "Control of Partial Differential Equations", Game Night, & Elections
  • Date: Wednesday, April 17th, 20242024-04-17
  • Time: 3:00pm
  • Location: COHH 4123COHH 4123

The SIAM Student Chapter is excited to announce a mini workshop on the "Control of Partial Differential Equations." Please find attached the event flyer for more details. Following the workshop, the chapter will be hosting SIAM's Game Night, which will also include elections for the Executive Board, including the Presidency. We encourage you to share this information with your students to increase participation.

Contact: Dr. Ozer (ozkan.ozer@wku.edu)

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 Last Modified 2/27/21