Faculty Directory

Dr. Michael Carini
- Professor, Department Chair, Director of Bell Observatory, Interim Director of Hardin Planetarium
- Professor, Department Chair, Director of Bell Observatory, Interim Director of Hardin Planetarium
- mike.carini@wku.edu
- KTH 2009B
- (270) 745-6198
ASTR 104 - Astronomy of the Solar System
ASTR 106 - Astronomy of Stellar Systems
ASTR 214 - General Astronomy
PHYS 202 - College Physics II
PHYS 207 - College Physics I Laboratory
PHYS 208 - College Physics II Laboratory
PHYS 232 - Biophysics I Laboratory
PHYS 251 - University Physics I Laboratory
PHYS 261 - University Physics II Laboratory
PHYS 271 - University Physics III Laboratory
PHYS 320 - Modern Physics I
UC 101 - Freshman Seminar in Physics
Variability monitoring of blazars
Refurbishment of the Bell Observatory
Astronomical objects which vary their brightness
B.A. | Boston University | Astrophysics | 1984 |
Ph.D. | Georgia State University | Astrophysics | 1990 |
A community of faculty, staff, and students engaged in better understanding the physical world.
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