Facebook Pixel IT Division - Mailing Lists - Admin Guide - General Options | Western Kentucky University

Information Technology Services - Mailing Lists

General Options

The General Options page is the first page viewed once logged into the mailing list. The first section has options to update the administrator and the moderator for the list.

Ownership Roles

There are two ownership roles associated with each mailing list. List administrators are able to change any list configuration option available through the administration web pages. They are also notified of moderation requests like the list moderators. To set multiple administrators, each email address needs to be on its own line.

The list moderators permissions are more limited. They are not able to change any list configuration option, but they are allowed to tend to pending administration requests, including approving or rejecting held subscription requests and postings. Remember, to assign more than one moderator, each email address needs to be on its own line.

Name and Description

Also in this section are options to change the public name and the descriptions of the mailing list. The "A terse phrase identifying this list" option is the short descriptive sentence that will appear next to the mailing list name on the mailing list page.The introductory description corresponds to the paragraph describing the list at the top of the listinfo page. Both pieces of information are made available to list members.

Controlling Replies to Messages

Another option to be aware of is "Where are replies to list messages directed?" It is stronglyrecommended to leave this option as Poster, especially for larger lists. This will help to ensure that replies to a message go to the original poster, and not to the entire list.

Maximum Message Size

The "Maximum length in kilobytes (KB) of a message body" is an option that may need tweaking depending on the mailing list. If this option is set too small, many messages will be moderated. However, if it is set too large, you may cause your list's members to exceed their email quota.

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 Last Modified 8/5/24