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Information Technology Services - Mailing Lists

Privacy Options

The Privacy Options catagory is broken into four subcatagories; Subscription rules, Sender filters, Recipient filters, and Spam filters.

Subscription Rules

Underneath the Subsciption rules subcatagory, there are several options that affect who can subscribe to the list. The first and most basic option is whether or not the mailing list is advertised. If advertised, the list is visible when someone searches lists.wku.edu for subscribable lists.

The next few options affect who can subscribe to the list. One option states what steps are required for subscription to the list. It has three options; confirm, requireapproval, and both. Setting it to confirm will let the user subscribe by replying to an email confirming that they want to be subscribed to the list. Setting it to require approval requires that the administrator/moderator approve everyone who requests subscription to the list. Setting the option to both requires approval from both the user and the administrator.

Another option that affects who can subscribe to the list is the ban list option. Here you can ban certain email addresses from ever being subscribed to the list.

Sender Filters

The Sender Filters subcatagory allows the administrator to set who can and who can't send a message to the list. It also determines whether or not the administrator has to approve the messages that are trying to be posted.

Recipient Filters

The Recipient filters subcatagory determines whether or not the mailing list name must be in the to or cc field of a message sent to it.

Spam Filters

The last subcatagory under Privacy Options is Spam filters. The default settings for this catagory should be sufficient.

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 Last Modified 8/5/24