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TopShop - Frequently Asked Questions


Anyone in Purchasing can help with Unimarket. You can call 270-745-3056 or email your question to Purchasing. If you would like TopShop training, please contact Pam Davidson.

Contact Us

If you do not see a supplier in Marketplace, there is a Request Supplier link at the top right which will allow you to search all Unimarket suppliers. If you find the supplier in the Unimarket Directory of suppliers, you can click the Request Access button next to the supplier. If you do not find the supplier in the Unimarket Directory of suppliers, use the Request New Supplier option at the top right corner of the page to complete the New Supplier request. This process is also outlined in the TopShop Training document. 

Yes, TopShop can be accessed from any device with internet access. You may still be required to sign in with your Net ID and password.


Yes, in the checkout screen under the Payment menu you can select Credit Card (Need Approval) or On Account. To pay with the P-Card, select Credit Card. 

Yes, TopShop will check the available budget when you are completing your checkout process as well as throughout the approval process. However, if you select the P-Card option, it will not check your budget. 

If you notice that your requisition is being routed to an approval chain or approver that is not appropriate, please email Purchasing or call 270-745-3056. All approval chains are being imported into TopShop from Banner and should be correct.

Please email Purchasing or call 270-745-3056.
Please email Purchasing and a new shipping location can be added in Banner and TopShop for your purchase.
Yes, all users should be loaded into the TopShop Demo site.
Yes, if a requisition is declined or canceled for any reason, you can review the requisition and use the Copy button at the top right to put the requisition items back in your checkout screen to resubmit with any changes.
To edit an existing requisition, you need to review the requisition, cancel it and then click the Copy button to have items and initial requisition information copied to your "in Progress" shopping cart. 
The Receiving function in TopShop allows you to receive goods and services in good standing by simply marking the appropriate quantity as received. If an item is not physically received or is damaged, you can select the option to Manual Close the item and add a note explaining why the item is not marked as Received. This will keep the invoice matching from happening and stop the invoice from being paid if you are not satisfied with the state of the delivered good or services.
Yes, you can see any invoices against your orders in the View Invoices pages or at the bottom of the View Order page. 


Some of the links on this page may require additional software to view.

 Last Modified 7/30/24