Mathematics Faculty & Staff

Dr. Ferhan Atıcı
- University Distinguished Professor
- University Distinguished Professor
- COHH 4108
- 270-745-6229
- Pronouns She | Her | Hers
Academic Bio
1995 PhD, Mathematics, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
1993 MS, Mathematics, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
1989 BS, Mathematics, Ege University
Dr. Atıcı's research includes: Difference Equations, Differential Equations, Calculus on Time Scales, Dynamic Equations and their Applications to Economics, Fractional Calculus and their Applications to Medical Sciences.
Selected Publications
- F. M. Atıcı, S. Chang, and J. Jonnalagadda, Grunwald-Letnikokv. Fractional Operators: From Past to Present, Fractional Differential Calculus, 11(2021), no.1, 147-159.
- F. M. Atıcı and W. Bennett, A study on discrete Ponzi Scheme model through Sturm-Liouville theory, International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, 11(2021, Nos. 3/4, 227-240.
- F. M. Atıcı, N. Nguyen, K. Dadashova, S. Pedersen, and G. Koch, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Models of Tumor Growth and Anticancer Effects in Discrete Time, Computational Mathematical Biophysics, 8(2020), 114-125.
- F. M. Atıcı, K. Dadashova, and J. Jonnalagadda, Linear fractional order h-difference equations, Special Issue honoring Professor Johnny Henderson, International Journal of Difference Equations, Volume 15, Number 2, pp. 281–300 (2020).
- F. M. Atıcı and Tilekbek Zhoroev, Controllability and Observability of time-invariant linear nabla fractional systems, Fractional Differential Calculus, 10(2020), no.1, 19–39.
- F. M. Atıcı, M. Atıcı, N. Nguyen, Tilekbek Zhoroev, and Gilbert Koch, A study on discrete and discrete fractional pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics models for tumor growth and anti-cancer effects, Computational Mathematical Biophysics, 7(2019), 10–24.
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