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English Department Calendar

Henry Fiction Award Submission Due Date
  • Date: Tuesday, April 15th, 20142014-04-15
  • Time: 4:30pm
  • Location: English office (Cherry Hall 135)English office (Cherry Hall 135)

The Henry Fiction Award is a $500 award specifically for

Creative Writing majors and minors. Applicants must:

1. Be full-time undergraduate students at WKU

2. Be Creative Writing majors or minors

3. Have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above

4. Submit a writing sample of his/her fiction (only short stories, not novel excerpts) no longer than 20 pages

The story is due to the English office in CH 135 by Tuesday, April 15, by 4:30 p.m.

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 Last Modified 8/10/18