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Special submission deadline for Metaphor Interdisciplinary Journal: National Undergraduate Literature Conference
  • Date: Friday, January 17th, 20142014-01-17
  • Time: All Day
  • Location: Submit online to Weber State University (click for details)Submit online to Weber State University (click for details)

Online Submission Page

Metaphor also encourages students to submit their work to the National Undergraduate Literature Conference (NULC). Students may dual-submit work to both Metaphor and NULC.

NULC Submission Page

Metaphor accepts submissions in the following categories:

  • Poetry
  • Fiction
    • Short stories
    • Flash fiction
    • Vignettes, etc.
  • Non-Fiction
    • Critical literature and research
    • Creative non-fiction
    • Memoirs
  • Music
    • All genres (must be accompanied by a recording)
  • Visual Arts
    • 2D
    • 3D (all entries must be photographed)
  • Film

Submission Guidelines

  • Students are limited to three submissions within each category, but may submit to different categories.
  • Written pieces are limited to 4000 words and poetry to no more than two pages each.
  • All submissions must be in 12 point Times New Roman font. Layout of works is left to the author.
  • Foreign language pieces will be accepted if accompanied by English translation.
  • Each piece must be entered individually through the submissions webpage.
  • Contact details must be on the submissions webpage only. Do not include any identifying information on your submission or it will not be accepted.
  • Title of work needs to be listed on every page of the manuscript, with page numbers if necessary.
  • Please include a “Works Cited” page when needed. The format chosen should be noted on the submissions webpage.
  • An electronic copy must be submitted through the submissions webpage. Music should be saved in .mp3 format, Literature should be saved in .rtf format, and Visual Arts submissions should be saved in .pdf or .jpg formats.


The online system can only accept works under 4.5 megabytes. If art, music, dance, theater, or film pieces are larger than this, a CD or DVD-R should be submitted to either the English Department office, or the Metaphor office by 12:00 NOON JANUARY 18. The disc should include the artist's name, phone number, email address, and the title of the piece. The artist should then go through the online submission system and instead of attaching the piece, attach a note indicating that a disc was submitted. CD's and DVD-R's will not be returned.

ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE ENTERED THIS WAY. Submissions not following these guidelines are subject to rejection.

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 Last Modified 8/10/18