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Faculty Teaching Resources

Instructional Design Services: If you would like assistance with moving your course content into Blackboard or designing your Blackboard courses (for in-person, hybrid, or online courses), schedule a consultation with one of our instructional designers.

Pedagogical Consultations: If you would like to schedule to schedule a teaching observation or get other pedagogical feedback from one of our Teaching Fellows, send an email to the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning.

The Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL) compiled these resources from a variety of trusted sites and as a result of our own personal reading.  They are organized by theme. CITL staff are happy to schedule a consultation to speak with you further about any of the topics covered here, or to help you find resources for other areas of interest.  Use the links above to get in touch. 

Faculty Focus is a “free e-newsletter and dedicated website [that] publishes articles on effective teaching strategies for the college classroom — face-to-face, online, blended, or flipped.”  You can sign up online at the Faculty Focus website.

Idea Papers: These short articles are “a national forum for the publication of peer-reviewed articles pertaining to the general areas of teaching and learning, faculty evaluation, curriculum design, assessment, and administration in higher education.”

The Chronicle of Higher Education is a good source to keep up with news and trends in higher education.

We also invite you to join the Teaching Message listserv.  Each week during the fall and spring semester, you will receive a teaching tip that comes from an international writing consortium that is coordinated by CITL.  To learn more, for a sample mailing, or to join the listserv, contact wren.mills@wku.edu

Many of the resources listed below are hyperlinks to Magna 20-minute Mentor Videos. WKU faculty, staff, and students can access these videos for free by setting up a Magna Account by following the steps contained in this video.


Some of the links on this page may require additional software to view.

 Last Modified 2/2/22