Enrollment Verification and Letters of Good Standing Information
Enrollment Verification Information
Letter of Good Standing or Visiting Student Letter
You may obtain a Letter of Good Standing from the Office of the Registrar. Please fill out the form to the right of the page to request a Letter of Good Standing, also known to some institutions as a Visiting Student Letter.
- If you are in Good Standing (2.0 GPA or above), you may request a Letter of Good Standing via the form to the right side of the page.
- If you are not in Good Standing with the University (below a 2.0 GPA), you will need to request your Visiting Student Letter from the Advising and Career Development Center. You may contact them at (270) 745-5065 or academic.advising@wku.edu.
Enrollment Verification (Current and Future Terms)
- Log on to your TopNet account.
- Click on Student Services> Student Records> Enrollment Verification WKU (Current and Future)
- Select Term> Submit Term
- Display Enrollment Verification Report and print or email.
Enrollment Verification (Current or Previous Terms)
- Log on to your TopNet account
- Click on Student Services> Student Records> Enrollment Verification National Student Clearinghouse
- Go to National Student Clearinghouse
- Obtain Enrollment Certificate
- Print your Official Enrollment Certificate.
- Select current enrollment or all enrollment.
- Print or email your Official Enrollment Certificate.
*Our institution has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to as our agent for all Enrollment Verifications. This option may be used for the current term when a watermark or seal is required. This option is unavailable for the Summer term and during the first three weeks of Fall and Spring terms.
Good-Student Discounts
Print an Official WKU Grade Report for the most recently graded term. Return it with your form to your insurance company.
- Log on to TopNet
- Click on Student Services> Student Records> Obtain Official Grade Report
- Display the Official Grade report and print
Note: Adobe Acrobat Reader must be on your computer to produce your verification. For any questions related to Enrollment Verifications or Letters of Good Standing, please email The Office of the Registrar at registrar@wku.edu.
Request a Visiting Student Letter
If you are in Good Standing with the University, you may request a Visiting Student Letter by using the form below.
If you are not in Good Standing with the University, you will need to contact the Advising and Career Development Center at (270) 745-5065.
*Please note: Credit for a course in which a grade of “F” has been received can be earned only by repeating the course in residence unless prior approval is given by the head of the department in which the course was taken. A course in which a grade of “D” has been received may be repeated at another accredited institution.
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