Department of Political Science Faculty & Office Staff

- Professor
- Cherry Hall 308 A
Ph.D. , Indiana University: Comparative Politics, Research Methodology and East Asian Studies.
Research and teaching interests include comparative and international politics, East Asian politics, electoral politics and electoral reform, survey research and research methodology. He has conducted field research in Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan. Dr. Rich also serves as the Director of the International Public Opinion Lab (IPOL).
Dr. Rich has published over 70 peer-reviewed publications, including works in Legislative Studies Quarterly, Journal of East Asian Studies, European Journal of Political Research, International Journal of Taiwan Studies, Government & Opposition, International Political Science Review, Pacific Affairs, Journal of Asian and African Studies, Issues & Studies, and Security Journal. He has also collaborated with undergraduate students on over 100 peer-reviewed journals, chapters in edited volumes, and policy and news publications.
International Public Opinion Lab (IPOL)Dr. Rich initiated the International Public Opinion Lab (IPOL) in August of 2019 as a means to expand upon existing work with WKU students, alumni, and faculty. While much of the preexisting work focused on East Asia, the lab intends to expand projects to include other regions, cross-national research and American perceptions of international affairs.
The primary goals of IPOL include:
Expanding public opinion research opportunities for WKU students, resulting in news, policy, and peer-reviewed publications
Connecting interested WKU faculty, students, and alumni to researchers at other universities for collaborative public opinion research
Coordinating internal and external research funds for original survey research
Sharing of original survey data
Interested students must apply for the International Public Opinion Lab.
Students are expected to:
a) have a minimum 3.2 GPA
b) have taken or plan to take PS301 or PS302 or equivalent courses
c) collaborate in a timely manner with myself and other students on projects over the course of the academic year
d) present at regional, national, or international conferences if funding allows
Undergraduates are expected to apply for funding via the Faculty-Undergraduate Student Engagement (FUSE) program.
If you have any questions email
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