Potter College News
Gender & Women’s Studies Hosts First Things First Creative Writing Event
- Cailyn Richer
- Monday, May 2nd, 2022

On Friday, April 29th, the WKU Gender & Women’s Studies program collaborated with Hope Harbor, Inc. to host First Things First over Facebook live. Shelbyville, Ky., senior, Kayla Spears, Central City, Ky., junior Ariel Alexander, and Bowling Green, Ky., junior Jess Hughes read their creative writing pieces over topics such as body image and mental illness. The readings were followed by a Q&A with the authors, who shared their inspirations, struggles, and overall relationship with writing.
“This event is important because it not only allows us to bring awareness to Sexual Assault Prevention Month, but it also allows for our students to bring their voices and stories forward,” said Professor Jessica Folk, who co-organized the event.
Alexander, a theater and creative writing double major read her poem “Three Days’ Time,” which discusses the loneliness associated with growing up in a household that stigmatized mental health.
“This is the first time that I have shared my poetry with an audience in a professional manner, and it was honestly liberating,’ Alexander said. “It kind of gives you a new perspective on your talents, and it makes you want to share more.”
More information on how to donate to Hope Harbor can be found here. To stay up to date on Gender & Women’s Studies events, visit the Gender & Women's Studies program.
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