Potter College News
Gender & Women’s Studies Presents The Glorias Film
- Cailyn Richer
- Monday, April 4th, 2022

Last Wednesday (3/30), the WKU Gender & Women’s Studies program presented the film The Glorias alongside the WKU English and history departments. The event was a part of the GWS Gender Images Film Series, and was followed by a discussion led by history professor Dr. Thea Browder and her American Women’s History class.
The Glorias follows the life of Gloria Steinem, a prominent figure in the feminist and Civil Rights movements of the mid twentieth century. The film demonstrates how the the discrimination Steinem faced throughout her life is a reflection of the way women were oppressed back then, and even still today.
“I think so many people forget that the figureheads of history experience life as a person, not an organization,” said Claire Coleman, one of Dr. Browder’s students. “I loved seeing the life of a woman in history portrayed in this super cool and fun way that's as informational as it is entertaining.”
To stay up-to-date on Gender & Women’s Studies and English department events, visit the Gender & Women's Studies program and/or the English department homepage.
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