Facebook Pixel Alert Snippets | Western Kentucky University

Alert Snippets

Display important message to users in an alert style. Alerts come in multiple color and icon combinations to convey the severity and context of the message. Icons are required for accessibility purposes and cannot be hidden.

Unlike other snippets, the alert snippet is not inserted as a table that transforms into the content. Alert snippets look similar to the final outcome in the wysiwyg editor, making them easy to use.

 WYSIWYG content, nested snippets, components, and assets allowed.




The danger alert comes in red with an exclamation icon, indicating a dangerous or potentially negative action. Use this alert for serious messages like a cancellation or closure.

You can also use this message to convey something you do not want a user to do.



The informatio alert comes displays as blue with a lowercase i icon. Use this alert to convey neutral information such as a change in hours or location.

Info messages are also great for informing users of new features or updates.



Success alerts are green and come with a check icon. These are typically used to convey to the user that something was successful or indicate a positive message.

These can be useful when working with Form Assets redirecting to another page on successful submission. The Success Alert Snippet could be added to that redirect page to let them know their form was submitted successfully.



Yellow warning alerts indicate caution or warnings. They come with an exclamation icon. These are useful for drawing attention and notifying users, but might not be negative or dangerous like the danger alert.

A good example would also be announcing an upcoming closure, and switching to the red danger alert when actually closed.


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 Last Modified 8/1/24