Facebook Pixel Social Media Sharing Page Properties | Western Kentucky University

Social Media Sharing Page Properties

The Social Media Sharing section of page properties allows you to specify some options that control the way your link is displayed when sharing on social media such as Twitter or Facebook. This is great for pages that will be shared frequently like events or forms.



Cover Image

This field allows you to override the image that appears when sharing. If none is specified the hero image will be used first, then any image on the page, or a default will be provided.

This image will not be displayed on your page, it will only be visible when sharing on social media.

Recommended Size - 1200px wide by 650px tall.


Twitter Image Size

This controls the size of the card when sharing on Twitter. If you have a hero image, the large option will be enabled automatically.

  • Small
  • Large


Twitter Account

Associates an account as the creator of this page when sharing on twitter. (Ex. @wku or @wkuITS)



Twitter Card Examples

Example of a Small Twitter Card

Example of a Small Twitter Card

Example of a Large Twitter Card

Example of a Large Twitter Card

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 Last Modified 8/1/24