Facebook Pixel Headings - Web Best Practices | Western Kentucky University


Headings communicate the organization of the content on the page.  Web browsers, plug-ins, and assistive technologies use them to provide in-page navigation.  Headings are also used by Search Engines. Using them incorrectly can negatively impact Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Accessibility

Nesting and Order

Headings are considered ranked content. Each heading can have a rank between 1 and 6. The most important, top-ranked heading level is heading 1 (H1). This heading level should be reserved for things like your page title, which is automatically added for you via Page Properties.

Following heading level 1 (i.e., your Page Title), only heading levels 2 through 6 should be used in a consecutive and nested fashion.  The selected heading level for each consecutive heading should either match the previous heading level, decrease the heading level by one, or jump to a higher heading level (which does not have to be consecutive).

The best way to think of headings is to think of your page as an outline, where the content of your page is split into sections and related sub-sections, etc.  Headings define those sections and how the various levels of headings define how they related to one another. For example, using a heading of level 2 would be the equivalent of defining a new main item of your page outline, while a following heading of level 3 would be considered a sub-item of the previous heading level, showing that the new content is related but also stands on its own.  This concept is demonstrated further, visually by our Page Structure example.

Ex. A section titled "Cars" would be heading level 2 and have sub sections "Make" and "Model" with heading level 3.

H1 Page Title

H2 Section

H3 Sub Section

H2 Section

H3 Sub Section

H4 Sub-Sub Section

H5 Sub-Sub-Sub Section

H3 Sub Section

H4 Sub-Sub Section

H2 Section

H3 Sub Section

H3 Sub Section

H1 Food

H2 Breakfast

H3 Biscuits

H2 Lunch

H3 Sandwiches

H4 Hamburgers

H5 Cheeseburger

H3 Salad

H4 Cobb Salad

H2 Dinner

H3 Pasta

H3 Rolls

An Example Page Structure

This example is for visualization purposes only.  Headings and sub sections are not tabbed or spaced over.



To differentiate between levels of headings you can add colors or italics to your headings.  An easy way to maintain a hierarchy is to alternate between a default style and colors/italics when changing between levels of headings. 

You can also use the Advanced Text Styles to change the size of your headings.  Use the Font h1 - Font h6 styles to change the size of your text to another heading's size. By changing the size of your headers in this manner, it allows you to customize their look and feel without compromising the underlying, proper heading level for accessibility and SEO purposes.

Please use these stylistic changes with care. For example, it is not recommend that a nested header's size be increased to match a higher ranked heading level, however, changing a nested header's size to match a lower ranked heading level is typically okay. Changing the header's size disproportionally to the surrounding headers and their heading levels could cause visitors of your page to be confused in understanding how each section of your page relates to others.

As an example, the Omni CMS site uses the WKU Red Text style on headings of level 2, no style changes to headings of level 3, and the Semi-Bold Text and Font h5 styles on headings of level 4. This can be altered or combined with any other styles to create a unique hierarchy on a page.


Secondary Heading Text or Subtitles

In cases where your title may be very long, or you simply need to convey an extra message inside a header, use Advanced Text Styles to give part of your header a smaller sub-heading appearance.  Combine the Smaller Text and color styles to differentiate between main and sub heading text.



Locating Headings

Use the following tools and guides to assist in identifying headings and their levels on a page.  

Show Blocks

When working in the WYSIWYG editor each new line uses what is called a "block" item. Blocks are selected using the Blocks dropdown (see Blocks Dropdown, below) from the WYSIWYG toolbar. The most common blocks are Paragraph and Heading 1 - 6.

When fixing accessibility issues identified in the Final Check it can be difficult to know what block is being used. To reveal those blocks, use the A dotted outline around a paragraph icon, the WYSIWYG toolbar Show Blocks button Show Blocks button in the WYSIWYG toolbar (the dotted box around a paragraph icon). This will add a thin dotted border around every block and a small tag identifying which kind of block it is.

To highlight blocks, use the Show Blocks button in the WYSIWYG toolbar (the dotted box around a paragraph icon).  This will add a thin border around every block and small tag identifying which block it is.  Headings are marked H1 - H6 and have a dark background.

Screenshot of the WYSIWYG editor with Show Blocks option enabled

A screenshot of the blocks dropdown in the WYSIWYG editor

Blocks Dropdown

The blocks dropdown controls the block item, this includes heading levels.  Click inside the text of a heading and the blocks dropdown will update to reflect that block level. To adjust the type of block being used, click inside the text of a heading or other content area and then select a new type from the Blocks dropdown.

Content Area Order

It may be difficult to visualize the orderin which content on a multi-column page layout is consumed by assistive technologies or search engines. Use this guide to determine where an out of order heading may be, as well as recommendations for heading levels inside each area. Work through each and use the recommendations to adjust heading levels or switch to styles.

Not every page has all of the content areas or underscore files enabled, if the page does not have a coordinating section it can be disregarded and move on to the next one.


1. Site Wide Notification (_notification.pcf)

2. Left Column - Quick Links

3. Left Column - Content Area

Do not use heading blocks in these areas as they come before the H1 Page Title.

4. Page Title

Uses the Heading 1 (H1) level.  This is recgognized by search engines and assistive technology as the title of the page.  This is a templated item, the heading level cannot be changed.

Text is edited through Page Properties. See Changing the Title of a Page

5. Main Content Area

6. Right Column - Quick Links

7. Right Column - Content Area

Use Headings Level 2 and below (H2 - H6) nested properly.

Do not skip heading levels or use out of order.

8. Site Footer (_footer.pcf)

Use Heading Level 2 only.

Do not use headings below level 2 (H3 - H6).


Each template section of a WKU website highlighted and ordered.




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 Last Modified 8/1/24