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Live Delivery Platform's (LDP) Image Gallery Assets feature allows users to easily create and manage image galleries in the Omni CMS system. Users can upload images into the gallery; provide a title, caption, and description information; and drag and drop images to modify the order. Omni CMS will automatically generate thumbnails based on user-defined settings for grid style galleries.

Image Gallery Self-Help



Carousel Galleries

Formerly known as sliders, these galleries create a rotating set of images with the image titles and text on top.

About Carousels


Grid Galleries

The grid option will display a grid of thumbnails that are automatically generated from the image you upload.

About Grids



Gallery Asset Sections

Preview Menu

Contains the name of the asset, as well as menu items for each panel for quick navigation.


Gallery Options

Allows users to customize how Image Gallery Assets are displayed within the Omni CMS system.

Gallery options will primarily be used to configure thumbnails and columns for Grid Style Galleries


Images Panel

Allows users to add images to the gallery. Also allows users to edit basic metadata information about each individual image.

Each image uploaded will have the following elements:

  • Title: The displayed name of the image.
  • Description: Text that will display over the image in carousels.
  • Caption: The description that will display when a user hovers on an image.
     While captions aren't required to save your gallery, they are required for the Final Check Accessibility Scan. This field is used for the Images alternative description.  
  • Link: Users have the option to also include an HTML link by manually entering the web address in the text field.


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 Last Modified 8/1/24