Facebook Pixel Form Asset Example | Western Kentucky University

Form Example

This is the Helper Text of an Form Element

Use these to gather longer information.

Radio Buttons

Select a single option.


Select multiple options.

Use these instead of Radio Buttons when you have several options to display.

Hold down the CTRL key (Command ⌘ on Mac) to select multiple options.

Select multiple options, we typically recommend using Checkboxes instead.

You have the option to use date, time, or both.

This is an example of Instruction Text that can be inserted between Form Elements. It uses a basic WYSIWYG editor and includes options to change bold and italics, alignment, or create lists and links. Use this to provide additional instruction or more information that should be tied to the form.

Form Tips:

  • Ask only what is required.
  • Order the form logically.
  • Group related information.
  • Use short, descriptive labels (a word or two). 

All of the following content in the form uses Advanced Options

Address (Example Fieldset)

This is an example of a Fieldset. It groups inputs together with a title and dotted-border container.

This Drop-Down uses the dataset option to populate it with state names automatically.

Contact Information

Rows can be combined with Fieldsets

Email and Phone belong together.

Use row_start and addclass options to create columns.

Use row_end to close the row after the input.

Radio Fieldset

Use fieldset_wrapper to wrap radios in a fieldset.

Checkbox Fieldset

Use fieldset_wrapper to wrap checkboxes in a fieldset.

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 Last Modified 8/1/24