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Renee Shaw 

Renee Shaw

Producer/Writer/Host at Kentucky Educational Television (KET)

Email: rshaw@ket.org

Member Term: 2015-2018

Phone: 859-333-1097

Career Highlights

A partnership with Internews and WKU allowed me to travel to Cambodia in 2003 for a 2 ½ week shuttle journalism project to help train journalists in Southeast Asia on journalism practices of a free and open press.

The routine opportunity to interview national and state newsmakers and policy decision makers – it never gets old.

Personal Highlights

I work with several community and civic-minded groups, and I am most proud to be a member and officer with the Lexington/Frankfort (KY) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated which is an international organization of professional women of African descent.

I am also a co-founder of an organization in Lexington, called NTOO - Not the Only One in the Room - that caters to women of color and offers them connection to community and personal development workshops.

Most Vivid Memory of WKU

While in the communications graduate program at Western, a class with Dr. Capps allowed us to travel to Canada for a couple of weeks to tour organizations and companies to study their business model, organizational structure and processes. My fondest memory was the behind the scenes tour of Cirque du Soleil.

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 Last Modified 8/25/22