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Math Colloquium and AMS Graduate Student Talk: Selahattin Cinar
  • Date: Tuesday, April 25th, 20232023-04-25
  • Time: 3:00pm
  • Location: COHH 2117 or Zoom (Meeting ID: 926 6302 8379)COHH 2117 or Zoom (Meeting ID: 926 6302 8379)
WKU AMS Graduate Chapter invites you to a Colloquium talk this Friday March 3rd at 3:00 pm. A former graduate student Selahattin Cinar will be our speaker. This talk will be presented via ZOOM in the room COHH 2117. The detail of the talk follows:
ZOOM Meeting ID: 926 6302 8379


Predicting Transcriptional Output of Synthetic Multi-Input Promoters

Short Abstract — Recent advances in synthetic biology have led to a wealth of well characterized parts. Considering these developments, the potential to create novel multi-input inducible promoters with a greater number of inputs has become simpler. However, the potential combinations of inputs rapidly outpace our capability to fully characterize every possible combination. In this study, we describe two methods to predict the output of multi-input systems as a function of varying concentrations of multiple inducing ligands by combining characterization data of single input systems. These methods can be used by synthetic biologists to better design systems that utilize multi-input promoters.

Contact: Dr. Ferhan Atici

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 Last Modified 12/5/18