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Ogden Calendar

Wacky Engineering Fall Break Youth Camp
  • Date: Monday, October 6th, 20142014-10-06 through Friday, October 10th, 20142014-10-06
  • Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm


the Hardin Planetarium presents

A unique 2014 fall break
youth camp experience!

Wacky Engineering

Rube Goldberg became famous for creating overly complicated machines which combined an improbably connected series of events designed to produce an absolutely simple result. In this fall’s Science Curiosity Investigation Camp we will be pursuing the same folly.

Participants will engage in fun, interactive investigations to stimulate curiosity, encourage cooperative discovery and plunge into problem solving.

A Half Day Camp!

"Wacky Engineering" is the 2014 fall break camp theme.

  • 8 am - 12:00 noon, Monday - Friday, October 6 thru 10th, 2014
  • Open to students in grades 3-6
  • $120 fee includes all project materials and daily mid-morning snacks
  • Registration deadline Sept 26th, 2014 at 5 p.m..
  • Participants will engage in fun, interactive investigations and creative projects, all designed to stimulate curiosity and encourage cooperative discovery, understanding, and problem solving.

Please register early. Registration is limited to only 20 students. First come, first served!

Registration may be completed on-line at wku.edu/hardinplanetarium/registration_camp.php or you may register in person at the Hardin Planetarium.

If you have any questions or want more information, email us at hardin.planetarium@wku.edu, or call 270-745-4044 during business hours.

Contact: Hardin Planetarium

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