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Learn what our CSD faculty and staff have to say about our programs!

Our Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) program provides broad-based instruction to prepare students to assess, diagnose, treat and serve children and adults who present with a range of communication challenges, disorders, differences, or delays. Our graduate degree program prepares students for the clinical practice of speech-language pathology, working with both children and adults to evaluate and diagnose disorders associated with speech, language, cognition, communication, and swallowing. 


Have a question about one of our programs? Please see our contact information below:

Graduate SLP Program (on-campus/residential or distance cohort)

Contact Person: Dr. Kimberly J. Green



Pre-SLP Program

Contact Person: Dr. Kaitlyn Rippy



Undergraduate CD Program

Contact Person: Dr. Leigh Anne Roden



American Sign Language (ASL) Program

Contact Person: Dr. Ashley Fox



Academic Programs Offered:

Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders

Undergraduate Minor in American Sign Language Studies

Pre-SLP - Leveling Program to Provide Prerequisite Courses (entry into a graduate program)

Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (on-campus/residental & distance learning options)


Our Mission:

The Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at WKU prepares students to be knowledgeable, productive and engaged leaders in professional practice. Our department provides a dynamic academic foundation to students across the globe through opportunities for lifelong learning, service and research.

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM (Central Time)


Kimberly Green, Ed.D, CCC/SLP

Associate Professor (She, Her, Hers)

Department Chair

Graduate Program Director

CHHS DEI Committee Chair


slp flyer



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 Last Modified 2/5/25